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Last active April 13, 2023 09:42
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List of rake commands to manage database

Create database

rake db:create

Create database table

This will creates a migration file in /db/migrate without table definition.

rails g migration create_<TABLE>

Add your table definition in the file.

class CreatePorts < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    create_table :ports do |t|
      t.string :name
      t.text :description
      t.string :city
      t.string :country


Run Migrate

  • You need to run migration before ROR actually creates it in the database
  • You must run this everytime there is a new migration
rake db:migrate

Duplicate to test database

  • This should be ran after rake db:migrate
  • This duplicates your schema into the test database so that your test cases will work
  • Common error in test cases when you forget this step
rake db:test:prepare

Drop database

rake db:drop

Chaining commands

  • You can chain commands together for faster typing
rake db:drop db:create db:migration db:test:prepare

Seeding the database

  • Note that seeding of database should be idempotent (running it multiple times does not create duplicated records)
  • Add your ruby commands to add data in /db/seeds.rb like below:
puts "**  Seeding Database: seeding ***\n\n"

unless User.where(email: "").first
User.create!(email: '',
            password: '123123',
            password_confirmation: '123123')
puts "-- Created with password 123123\n"

unless Company.where(name: "ABC").first
  Company.create!(name: "ABC")
  puts "-- Created company: ABC\n"

puts "\n**  Seeding Database: completed ***"

Run the command below to seed the data according to seeds.rb

rake db:seed

Roll back migration

Roll back the last migration

rake db:rollback

Or you can specify how many steps (n) to rollback. (Specify STEP=9999 to rollback everything)

rake db:rollback STEP=n

Or you can specfiy exactly the version of migration to rollback to

rake db:migrate:down VERSION=847583457438957

Or to simply rerun last migration

rake db:migrate:redo

Tip: If you are changing the latest migration, you should rake db:rollback and then add your new code to the migration file and then run rake db:migrate again

Other database commands

# View all migration logs
rake db:migrate:status
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Hi @stevenyap, thank you for making this gist.
I think it should be db:migrate not db:migration in chaining-command

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ishaboo commented Feb 11, 2018


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Nice summary

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