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Miva - URI Add, Delete, & Delete All XML Provisioning
<URI_Add />
Adds a new URI to a page, category, product, or feed.
Requires `uri` attribute with a value starting with "/"
For canonical URIs, add `canonical="yes"` attribute and ommit the `status` attribute.
For non-canonical URIs (redirects or normal), ommit the `canonical` attribute, and add `status` attribute with value of: 200, 301, 302, 303, or 307
Add an attribute & value for the designated: `page_code`, `category_code`, `product_code`, or `feed_code`
<!-- Canonical URI -->
<URI_Add canonical="yes" page_code="ABUS" uri="/about-us.html" />
<URI_Add canonical="yes" category_code="clothing" uri="/clothing.html" />
<URI_Add canonical="yes" product_code="t-shirt" uri="/t-shirt.html" />
<URI_Add canonical="yes" feed_code="sitemap" uri="/sitemap.xml" />
<!-- 301 Redirect -->
<URI_Add status="301" page_code="ABUS" uri="/about-us.html" />
<URI_Add status="301" category_code="clothing" uri="/clothing.html" />
<URI_Add status="301" product_code="t-shirt" uri="/t-shirt.html" />
<URI_Add status="301" feed_code="sitemap" uri="/sitemap.xml" />
<!-- Other Statuses -->
<URI_Add status="200" page_code="ABUS" uri="/about-us.html" />
<URI_Add status="302" category_code="clothing" uri="/clothing.html" />
<URI_Add status="303" product_code="t-shirt" uri="/t-shirt.html" />
<URI_Add status="307" feed_code="sitemap" uri="/sitemap.xml" />
<URI_Delete />
Deletes the corresponding URI from the database
<URI_Delete uri="/about-us.html" />
<URI_Delete uri="/clothing.html" />
<URI_Delete uri="/t-shirt.html" />
<URI_Delete uri="/sitemap.xml" />
<URI_Delete_All />
Deletes all of the URIs for a given entity (page, category, product, or feed)
<URI_Delete_All page_code="ABUS" />
<URI_Delete_All category_code="clothing" />
<URI_Delete_All product_code="t-shirt" />
<URI_Delete_All feed_code="sitemap" />
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