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Last active March 25, 2016 19:51
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  • Save stevepentler/6ea1dae488122136b6fa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save stevepentler/6ea1dae488122136b6fa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

###In broad strokes, summarize the event

  • Azer is an Indian Giver that decided to break the internet.
  • Kik is a thing that lots of people use, and they want their name back
  • Azer was like, yo, but this project is my heart and soul, and if I can't have it then nobody can!
  • The patent engineer was like, Azer, dude, calm down. Relax.
  • Azer was like "I AM F#CK|NG RELAXED, YOU FU$KING RELAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  • The patent engineer snitched to NPM like 5 times
  • Moral of the story, snitches don't get stiches, they get their name back
  • #betchesGonTryMe #azerOUT! #" I'llBiteYourFaceInTheNameOfOpenSourceLiberty"

####Gem 1 - pry

  • environment that helps you run code
  • updated 27 days ago
  • 143 open issues
  • PLEASE READ THIS : This quote really speaks to me. I'm not sure who Jermain Steward is, but he seems like an exciting lover.
  • Don't Understand : This multi-dimensional poem helps me reflect, but brings about some really complicated feelings that I don't quite understand. Particularly the line "whose thighs are bound in casual red cloth". Can you help me?
  • Based on these poems, I definitely trust the authors of this gem. They seem like they have never gotten a neck tattoo in a south american prison by a one-legged metal-worker.

###How do NPM and RubyGems relate?

  • Both nice packages of code that can be easily inserted into personal projects.

###What is left-pad and why is it used?

  • It removes left padding from strings

ZOMG! What Happened?!

  • Azer Koçulu, anarchist, unpublished more than 250 of his modules from NPM
  • left-pad : pads out the lefthand-side of strings with zeroes or spaces. And thousands of projects including Node and Babel relied on it.
I've just liberated my modules
  • HASHTAGPowerToThePeople
A discussion about breaking the internet
  • Azer doesn't play nicely with others.
  • I respect his desire to respect the open source community and his sailor's tongue.
  • I bet he will make more money off of this notoriety than he would selling out
  • It seems ridiculous that developers should have to register and trademark all of their names to be protected. Talk about an inefficient system that exploits the people actually doing the work.
NPM's response
  • Provide npm users with the package they expect.
  • Unrestricted un-publishing kills kittens
  • Abruptly removing a package disrupted many thousands of developers and threatened everyone’s trust in the foundation of open source software: that developers can rely and build upon one another’s work.
  • creating greater protection
Have we forgotten how to program?
  • Write your own code!
  • gems are dependencies, dependencies are bad.

####Gem 2 - omniauth-strava

  • Understand : After handrolling a bunch of Faraday calls, this is pretty approachable stuff.
  • This gem is a lot smaller than I expected it to be.
  • last commit July 17, 2015
  • Zero open issues
  • Don't Understand : I'm not really sure what these methods do when they call super. I understand super, but I don't really understand the purpose of these methods.

####Gem 3 - Faraday

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worace commented Mar 24, 2016

10/10 look forward to reading this author's thoughts on other programming topics

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mikedao commented Mar 25, 2016

If this was a PPV special, I'd pay for it.

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pzula commented Mar 25, 2016

Amazing. Encore! Encore!

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