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How to install Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS 64-bit on a MacBook Pro Retina 15" Mid 2014 (11,3)



  • this installation process aims to have Ubuntu and Mac OS on dual boot mode

  • no need to repair GRUB after installation, the MacBook Pro 11,2 and 11,3 are now able to recognize multi-boot CD images, so there is not need to use the Mac version of the Ubuntu installation image (the USB disk with the will work just fine in native EFI mode)

  • the first boot won't have network access because you'll need to install the Broadcom wireless driver in order to be able to use the wireless adapter (either use an Ethernet USB adapter or copy the dkms and bcmwl-kernel-source packages to another USB disk)

preparing your Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS USB installation disk

  • install UNetbootin and create your bootable Ubuntu installation disk (set Diskimage as the Ubuntu ISO image and Drive: as your USB drive)

installing Ubuntu

  • with your USB drive plugged in, boot your Mac and hold the option key
  • select the EFI USB drive as the boot device
  • choose Try Ubuntu (Live mode)
  • click Install Ubuntu to start the installation and install Ubuntu Alongside with Mac OS

fixing kernel boot values to avoid periodic SSD freezing

$ sudo nano /etc/default/grub

and change the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX line to:


$ sudo update-grub

fixing booting to Mac OS

$ sudo nano /etc/grub.d/40_custom

and append to the end of file:

menuentry "MacOS" {
$ sudo update-grub

fixing blank screen after suspend / resume

System Settings > Software & Updates > Additional Drivers

and change the NVIDIA driver to `Using NVIDIA binary driver - version 331.38 from nvidia-331 (proprietary, tested)"

fixing wireless after suspend / resume

$ sudo nano /etc/pm/sleep.d/99_wifi_fix

and add this to the contents of the file:

case "$1" in
        service network-manager stop
        rm /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state
        service network-manager start

and set its permissions to 755:

$ sudo chmod 755 /etc/pm/sleep.d/99_wifi_fix

fixing text scaling for the retina display

$ gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface scaling-factor 0
$ gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface text-scaling-factor 1

fixing connecting to new wireless networks

$ sudo apt-get install -d --reinstall network-manager network-manager-gnome
$ sudo apt-get purge network-manager-gnome network-manager
$ sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome

fixing Magic Mouse not pairing

run bluez agent

$ bluez-simple-agent

and try to pair the device using the Bluetooth settings. You should be prompted for the PIN on the terminal. Type in 0000 and the Magic Mouse should successfully pair.

fixing encrypted swap that disappears after reboot

identify your swap partitions by looking at the 8200 Code (probably around 16 GB)

$ sudo gdisk -l /dev/sda

initialize an available swap partition and identify it by-id

$ sudo mkswap /dev/sdaX
$ sudo ls -al /dev/disk/by-id

and update crypttab

$ sudo vim /etc/crypttab

with the partition ID instead of UUID

cryptswap1 /dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-partX /dev/urandom swap,cipher=aes-cbc-essiv:sha256

reload the crypto disks and verify that the swap partition is active (and persists across reboots)

$ sudo /etc/init.d/cryptdisks reload
$ sudo swapon -s
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