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Last active September 8, 2016 01:56
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// Build an authenticated client object
// This pattern repeats from
AWSIot iotClient = AWSIotClientBuilder
.withCredentials(new AWSStaticCredentialsProvider(new BasicAWSCredentials(CLIENT_TOKEN, CLIENT_SECRET)))
// Send the ListThingsRequest to AWS IoT synchronously
ListThingsResult result = iotClient.listThings(new ListThingsRequest());
List<ThingAttribute> things = result.getThings();
// Now you have access to the Thing's name, thing type, version, and a map of attributes/tags
// Get all things of a specific type
String typeName = "LightsideSensor";
ListThingsRequest listThingsRequest = new ListThingsRequest()
ListThingsResult result = AwsClientFactory.getIotClient().listThings(listThingsRequest);
List<ThingAttribute> things = result.getThings();
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