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Forked from jolle-c/jc_session.lasso
Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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Lasso 9 type to handle cookie based sessions
Requires that Ke Carltons DS is installed
Before first use create the needed table and set the proper values for
ds_sessionDB and jc_session_name
Create query for Mysql:
CREATE TABLE `jc_session` (
`id` bigint(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`expire` int(10) DEFAULT NULL,
`session_name` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
`cookie_id` char(36) DEFAULT NULL,
`fk_user_id` char(36) DEFAULT NULL,
`user_permission` text,
`user_data` text,
`updated_datetime` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
`updated_ip` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
`created_datetime` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
`created_ip` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY `cookie_id` (`cookie_id`),
KEY `fk_user_id` (`fk_user_id`),
KEY `expire` (`expire`)
On wherever you handle user logins place this code after you have successfully verified that it is a legit user logging in.
jc_session -> addsession(
'user_id', // this should NOT be a hardcoded value, instead use the proper user id as established by the login process
map(// here you set the permissions this user is trusted with, one item in the map for each permission. Permissions can later be expanded or revoked if need be
'some_permission' = true,
'another_permission' = true
map(// here you set possible data you want to store in this users session. Could be for example the users name, email etc. Data can later be added to or removed if need be
'some_data' = 'Some Value',
'another_data' = 'Another Value'
30 // this is the expire value in minutes
To add some session data to the session
jc_session -> data('one_more_key', 'More Data')
Note that whatever session data you add must be compatible with the json format. Complex data types are not allowed
To remove a data item
jc_session -> removedata('the_key')
To add a permission
jc_session -> permission('permission_key', true)
To revoke a permission
jc_session -> permission('permission_key', false)
To retrieve some data stored in the session
jc_session -> data('a_key')
This will return the value stored for the key. If there's no matching key it will return void
To check for a specific permission
jc_session -> permission('permission_key')
Will return true or false
To check if the user has any of a set of permissions use a staticarray
jc_session -> permission((:'a_permission', 'another_permission'))
Will return true if one of the keys match a permission or else false
To expire a session
jc_session -> expire
To get an array of all available keys for data stored in a session
jc_session -> keys
To get the session status
jc_session -> status
Can return any of 'not initiated', 'new', 'load', 'expired', 'not found'
2014-10-20 JC Added missing data method
2014-10-17 JC First published version, based on an internally used type
Stores the DS database object used for session storage
define ds_jc_sessionDB => ds('Replace_with_DB_name')
Stores the DS table object used for session storage
define ds_jc_session() => ds_jc_sessionDB -> table(::jc_session)
Stores the session name used for sessions
define jc_session_name => var(__jc_session_name) || $__jc_session_name := 'Replace with your preferred session name here' // you could also have a suitable session name stored in some site wide setting and fetch it here
Method that acts as a wrapper for the actual session object. This is the method to call whenever interacting with a session
define jc_session => var(__jc_session) or $__jc_session := jc_sessionhandler -> init(jc_session_name)
// if you need to handle multiple sessions in the same thread, create multiple jc_session methods each with a unique method name and unique session name
The actual session type. Should never be called directly. Instead use jc_session
define jc_sessionhandler => type {
parent activerow
public ds => ds_jc_session
public created_column => 'created_datetime'
public modified_column => 'updated_datetime'
public sessionname::string,
public permissions::map = map,
public user_data::map = map,
public expiredatetime,
public expireval::integer = 20,
public cookie_id::string,
public sessionvalid::boolean = false,
public sessionstatus::string = 'not initiated'
public asstring => .sessionvalid
public status => .sessionstatus
public addsession(
permissions::map = map,
user_data::map = map,
expireval::integer = .expireval
) => {
expiredatetime = date -> asinteger + (#expireval * 60),
cookie_id = lasso_uniqueid
.expireval = #expireval
.expiredatetime = #expiredatetime
.cookie_id = #cookie_id
.permissions = #permissions
.user_data = #user_data
'expire' = #expiredatetime,
'session_name' = .sessionname,
'cookie_id' = #cookie_id,
'fk_user_id' = #user_id,
'user_permission' = json_serialize(#permissions),
'user_data' = json_serialize(#user_data),
'updated_datetime' = date,
'updated_ip' = string(client_ip),
'created_datetime' = date,
'created_ip' = string(client_ip),
.ds -> keycolumn('id')
.sessionvalid = true
.sessionstatus = 'new'
cookie_set(.sessionname = #cookie_id, -domain = server_name, -path='/')
return self
} // addsession
public init(
) => {
cookie_id = cookie(#name),
cutoff = date -> asinteger
.sessionname = #name
.row = .ds -> getrow('cookie_id' = #cookie_id)
if(.row and integer(.row -> find('expire') ) > #cutoff) => {
.expiredatetime = #cutoff + (.expireval * 60)
.permissions = json_deserialize(.row -> find('user_permission') or map)
.user_data = json_deserialize(.row -> find('user_data') or map)
.cookie_id = #cookie_id
.sessionvalid = true
.sessionstatus = 'load'
.row -> update('expire' = .expiredatetime, 'updated_datetime' = date)
else(.row) // session found but has expired
.permissions = map
.user_data = map
.cookie_id = string
.sessionvalid = false
.sessionstatus = 'expired'
else // no session found
.permissions = map
.user_data = map
.cookie_id = string
.sessionvalid = false
.sessionstatus = 'not found'
return self
} // init
public expire() => {
cookie_id = cookie(.sessionname)
.expiredatetime = date -> asinteger
.row = .ds -> getrow('cookie_id' = #cookie_id)
if(.row and .row -> cols -> size) => {
.row -> update('expire' = .expiredatetime, 'updated_datetime' = date)
.permissions = map
.user_data = map
.cookie_id = string
.sessionvalid = false
.sessionstatus = 'expired'
} // expire
public removedata(param::string) => {
.user_data -> remove(#param)
.row = .ds -> getrow('cookie_id' = .cookie_id)
if(.row) => {
.row -> update(
'user_data' = json_serialize(.user_data),
'updated_datetime' = date,
'updated_ip' = string(client_ip),
return false
public data(param::string) => .user_data -> find(#param)
public data(param::integer) => .user_data -> find(string(#param))
public data(param::string, value::any) => {
fail_if(not(.cookie_id), -1, 'No cookie id present')
.user_data -> insert(#param = #value)
.row = .ds -> getrow('cookie_id' = .cookie_id)
if(.row) => {
.row -> update(
'user_data' = json_serialize(.user_data),
'updated_datetime' = date,
'updated_ip' = string(client_ip),
return false
public keys => .user_data -> keys
public permission(param::string) => .permissions -> find(#param) or false
public permission(params::staticarray) => {
with param in #params do {
.permissions -> find(#param) ? return true
return false
public permission(param::string, value::boolean) => {
fail_if(not(.cookie_id), -1, 'No cookie id present')
.permissions -> insert(#param = #value)
.row = .ds -> getrow('cookie_id' = .cookie_id)
if(.row) => {
.row -> update(
'user_permission' = json_serialize(.permissions),
'updated_datetime' = date,
'updated_ip' = string(client_ip),
return false
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