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Created February 3, 2015 03:41
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gulp.task "bundle-scripts", ->
delete require.cache[require.resolve "./assets/bundles"]
bundles = require "./assets/bundles"
scripts = _.filter _.keys(bundles), (filename) ->
filename.indexOf(".js") >= 0
merge scripts, (filename) ->
if filename.indexOf(".js") is -1 then return
coffeeFilter = filter "**/*.coffee"
stream = gulp.src bundles[filename]
.pipe coffeeFilter
.pipe cache coffee()
.on "error", (err) ->
console.log err.toString()
@emit "end"
.pipe coffeeFilter.restore()
.pipe concat filename
if process.env.NODE_ENV is "production"
stream.pipe uglify()
stream.pipe gulp.dest "public/assets/bundles"
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