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Created February 23, 2016 17:05
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# Docker 101 Workshop
PreReqs: You will need a docker-engine to run these examples! Please see the getting started guide on the main page for assistance.
## Run a container
1. Start your image:
docker run -d -p 80 tutum/hello-world
- It will print the new container ID (like d35bf1374e88). Get the allocated external port:
docker port d35bf1374e88 80
- It will print the allocated port (like 32768). Test your deployment:
curl http://localhost:32768/
Hello world!
## Build a container
1. Clone repo:
- To create the image upmce/hello-world, execute the following command on the docker-hello-world folder:
docker build -t upmce/hello-world .
- Check the image exists:
docker images
- Start your image:
docker run -d -p 80 upmce/hello-world
- It will print the new container ID (like d35bf1374e88). Get the allocated external port:
docker port d35bf1374e88 80
- It will print the allocated port (like 32768). Test your deployment:
curl http://localhost:32768/
Hello world!
1. Create repository in docker-hub WebUI
2. Tag the image
docker tag upmce/hello-world <yourDockerhubUsername>/hello-world
3. Push the image to docker hub:
docker push <yourDockerhubUsername>/hello-world
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