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Unit Test for reporting a bug with PasswordField
package code
import org.specs._
class SampleRecord extends MongoRecord[SampleRecord]
with MongoId[SampleRecord] {
def meta = SampleRecord
object password extends PasswordField(this)
object SampleRecord extends SampleRecord with MongoMetaRecord[SampleRecord]
object PasswordFieldSpecs extends Specification {
val password = "123456"
"Password Field value" should {
val sample = SampleRecord.password(password)
val asPersisted = sample.asDBObject
val retrieved = SampleRecord.fromDBObject(asPersisted)
"match the actual password" in {
retrieved.password.match_?(password) must be(true)
"not match the hashed password" in {
val hashedPassword =
retrieved.password.match_?(hashedPassword) must be(false)
/** The following tests require a live DB connection **/
"Persisted Password value" should {
MongoAddress(MongoHost(), "passwordTests"))
val sample = SampleRecord.password(password).save
val retrieved = SampleRecord.find(
"match the actual password" in {
retrieved.password.match_?(password) must be(true)
"not match the hashed password" in {
val hashedPassword =
retrieved.password.match_?(hashedPassword) must be(false)
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