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Last active June 26, 2024 02:07
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  • Save stevetalkscode/69719465d8271f1e9fa412626fdadfcd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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  1. stevetalkscode revised this gist May 25, 2021. No changes.
  2. stevetalkscode created this gist Mar 13, 2021.
    59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions
    Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
    @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
    | Command | Value Type | Default Value | Description |
    | Namespace | string | "MyNamespace" | The namespace to use on the generated classes for the generated client class |
    | AdditionalNamespaceUsages | string[] | Empty Array | Additional namespaces to include in using directives for the client |
    | GenerateContractsOutput | bool | false | Specifies whether to generate contracts output (interface and models in a separate file set with the ContractsOutput parameter). |
    | ContractsNamespace | string | null | The namespace to use on the generated classes for contracts (interface and models) |
    | ContractsOutput | string | null | The contracts output file path (optional, if no path is set then a single file with the implementation and contracts is generated) |
    | AdditionalContractNamespaceUsages | string[] | Empty Array | Additional namespaces to include in using directives for the contracts (Comma seperated list on command line) |
    | GenerateExceptionClasses | bool | true | Specifies whether to generate custom exception classes or not |
    | ExceptionClass | string | "SwaggerException" | The custom exception class to use if GenerateExceptionClasses is set to true (default 'SwaggerException', may use '{controller}' placeholder). |
    | GenerateClientClasses | bool | true | Specifies whether to generate client classes or not. You may decide to turn this off if just want client contracts generated |
    | OperationGenerationMode | string | "MultipleClientsFromOperationId" | The operation generation mode from one of these options : <br/>* MultipleClientsFromOperationId : Multiple clients from the Swagger operation ID in the form '{controller}_{action}'<br/>* MultipleClientsFromPathSegments : From path segments (operation name = last segment, client name = second to last segment)<br/>* MultipleClientsFromFirstTagAndPathSegments : From the first operation tag and path segments (operation name = last segment, client name = first operation tag)<br/>* MultipleClientsFromFirstTagAndOperationId : From the first operation tag and path segments (operation name = last segment, client name = first operation tag).<br/>* SingleClientFromOperationId : From the Swagger operation ID.<br/>* SingleClientFromPathSegments : From path segments suffixed by HTTP operation name|
    | ClientBaseInterface | string | null | Base interface for client interfaces (empty for no client base interface) |
    | WrapDtoExceptions | bool | true | Specifies whether DTO exceptions are wrapped in a SwaggerException instance (default: true) |
    | WrapResponses | bool | false | Specifies whether to wrap success responses to allow full response access |
    | GenerateResponseClasses | bool | true | Specifies whether to generate response classes (default: true) |
    | ResponseClass | string | "SwaggerResponse" | The response class (default 'SwaggerResponse', may use '{controller}' placeholder) |
    | WrapResponseMethods | string[] | Empty Array | List of methods where responses are wrapped ('ControllerName.MethodName', WrapResponses must be true) |
    | ParameterArrayType | string | "System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable" | The generic array .NET type of operation parameters (default: 'IEnumerable') |
    | ParameterDictionaryType | string | "System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary" | The generic dictionary .NET type of operation parameters (default: 'IDictionary') |
    | ResponseArrayType | string | "System.Collections.Generic.ICollection" | The generic array .NET type of operation responses (default: 'ICollection') |
    | ResponseDictionaryType | string | "System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary" | The generic dictionary .NET type of operation responses (default: 'IDictionary') |
    | GenerateDtoTypes | bool | true | Specifies whether to generate DTO classes |
    | GenerateOptionalPropertiesAsNullable | bool | false | Specifies whether optional schema properties |
    | GenerateNullableReferenceTypes | bool | false | Specifies whether whether to enerate Nullable Reference Type annotations (default: false). |
    | ExcludedTypeNames | string[] | Empty Array | The excluded DTO type names (must be defined in an import or other namespace) |
    | TypeAccessModifier | string | "public" | The DTO class/enum access modifier (default: public). |
    | GenerateDefaultValues | bool | true | Specifies whether to generate default values for properties (may generate CSharp 6 code, default: true) |
    | GenerateImmutableArrayProperties | bool | false | Specifies whether to remove the setter for non-nullable array properties (default: false) |
    | GenerateImmutableDictionaryProperties | bool | false | Specifies whether to remove the setter for non-nullable dictionary properties (default: false). |
    | GenerateDataAnnotations | bool | true | Specifies whether to generate data annotation attributes on DTO classes (default: true) |
    | GenerateJsonMethods | bool | false | Specifies whether to render ToJson() and FromJson() methods for DTOs (default: true) |
    | EnforceFlagEnums | bool | false | Specifies whether enums should be always generated as bit flags (default: false). |
    | InlineNamedArrays | bool | false | Inline named arrays (default: false) |
    | InlineNamedDictionaries | bool | false | Inline named dictionaries (default: false) |
    | InlineNamedTuples | bool | true | Inline named tuples (default: true). |
    | InlineNamedAny | bool | false | Inline named any types (default: false). |
    | ClassStyle | sting | "Poco" | The CSharp class style, 'Poco' or 'Inpc' (default: 'Poco') |
    | RequiredPropertiesMustBeDefined | bool | true | Specifies whether a required property must be defined in JSON (sets Required.Always when the property is required). |
    | HandleReferences | bool | false | Use preserve references handling (All) in the JSON serializer (default: false) |
    | JsonConverters | string[] | null | Specifies the custom Json.NET converter types (optional, comma separated). |
    | JsonSerializerSettingsTransformationMethod | string | null | Specifies the custom Json.NET converter types (optional, comma separated) |
    | AnyType | string | "object", | The any .NET type (default: 'object') |
    | DateType | string | "System.DateTimeOffset" | The date .NET type (default: 'DateTimeOffset') |
    | DateTimeType | string | "System.DateTimeOffset" | The date time .NET type (default: 'DateTimeOffset') |
    | TimeType | string | "System.TimeSpan" | The time .NET type (default: 'TimeSpan') |
    | TimeSpanType | string | "System.TimeSpan" | The time span .NET type (default: 'TimeSpan') |
    | ArrayType | string | "System.Collections.Generic.ICollection", | ArrayType |
    | ArrayInstanceType | string | "System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection" | "The generic array .NET instance type (default: empty = ArrayType) | " |
    | DictionaryType | string | "System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary" | The generic dictionary .NET type (default: 'IDictionary') |
    | DictionaryInstanceType | string | "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary" | The generic dictionary .NET instance type (default: empty = DictionaryType) |
    | ArrayBaseType | string | "System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection" | The generic array .NET type (default: 'Collection') |
    | DictionaryBaseType | string | "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary" | The generic dictionary .NET type (default: 'Dictionary') |
    | ServiceHost | string | null | Overrides the service host of the web document (optional, use '.' to remove the hostname). |
    | ServiceSchemes | string[] | null | Overrides the allowed schemes of the web service (optional, comma separated, 'http', 'https', 'ws', 'wss'). |
    | TemplateDirectory | string | null | The Liquid template directory (experimental) |
    | Output | string | null | The output file path (optional) |
    | NewLineBehavior | string | "Auto" | The new line behavior (Auto (OS default), CRLF, LF) |
    | ConfigurationClass | string | null | The configuration class. The setting ClientBaseClass must be set. (empty for no configuration class) |