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Last active November 27, 2017 01:49
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Adding cursor support to ui::TextField
// STTextField.cpp
// scgamex
// Created by Steve Tranby on 7/11/15.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "extensions/STTextField.h"
STTextField::STTextField() : _textField(nullptr) {}
STTextField::~STTextField() {}
STTextField* STTextField::create(const std::string& placeholder, const std::string&, float fontSize, const std::string &imageFileName, TextureResType texType)
STTextField* widget = new (std::nothrow) STTextField();
if (widget && widget->init(placeholder, kFontVisitor, fontSize, imageFileName, texType))
return widget;
return nullptr;
bool STTextField::init(const std::string& placeholder, const std::string&, float fontSize, const std::string &imageFileName, TextureResType texType)
if(! ImageView::init(imageFileName, texType)) {
return false;
// create textfield
_textField = TextFieldTTF::textFieldWithPlaceHolder(placeholder, cocos2d::Size(0,0), TextHAlignment::LEFT, kFontVisitor, fontSize);
// _textField->setPlaceHolderColor(Color4B::WHITE);
_textField->setPlaceHolder("Touch to Edit");
// _textField->setMaxLength(20);
// _textField->setMaxLengthEnabled(true);
return true;
void STTextField::onEnter()
void STTextField::onExit()
bool STTextField::hitTest(const Vec2 &pt, const Camera* camera, Vec3 *p2) const
if (_textField) {
auto p = convertToNodeSpace(pt);
auto bboxSize = getBoundingBox().size;
log("lbl->nsp(%s) = %s, lbl->bbox = %s", CStrFromPoint(pt), CStrFromPoint(p), CStrFromSize(bboxSize));
auto fontSize = 20.f;
if(cocos2d::Rect(0, 0, bboxSize.width + fontSize, bboxSize.height).containsPoint(p))
// move cursor
// fraction of width
auto xrel = clampf(p.x / bboxSize.width, 0.f, 1.f);
log("xrel = %f", xrel);
float maxIndex = _textField->getStringLength();
auto letterIndex = (int)(xrel / (1.f / maxIndex) + .5f);
log("letterindex = %d", letterIndex);;
_textField->setCursorFromPoint(pt, camera);
return ImageView::hitTest(pt, camera, p2);
void STTextField::moveCursorToEnd()
// STTextField.h
// scgamex
// Created by Steve Tranby on 7/11/15.
#pragma once
#include <ui/CocosGUI.h>
class STTextField : public cocos2d::ui::ImageView
virtual ~STTextField();
static STTextField* create(const std::string& placeholder, const std::string& fontName, float fontSize, const std::string& imageFileName, TextureResType texType = TextureResType::LOCAL);
virtual bool init(const std::string& placeholder, const std::string& fontName, float fontSize, const std::string& imageFileName, TextureResType texType = TextureResType::LOCAL);
void onEnter() override;
void onExit() override;
bool hitTest(const cocos2d::Vec2 &pt, const cocos2d::Camera* camera, cocos2d::Vec3 *p2) const override;
void moveCursorToEnd();
void attachWithIME() { if(_textField) _textField->attachWithIME(); }
std::string getString() { return _textField ? _textField->getString() : ""; }
void setString(std::string str) { if(_textField) _textField->setString(str); }
cocos2d::TextFieldTTF* _textField;
cocos2d::Label* _cursorLabel;
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