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Forked from sevaa/ToUTF8.sql
Created December 23, 2023 21:04
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Converting an NVARCHAR string to a UTF-8 VARBINARY data block in pure Transact-SQL
create function [dbo].[ToUTF8](@s nvarchar(max))
returns varbinary(max)
declare @i int = 1, @n int = datalength(@s)/2, @r varbinary(max) = 0x, @c int, @c2 int, @d varbinary(4)
while @i <= @n
set @c = unicode(substring(@s, @i, 1))
if (@c & 0xFC00) = 0xD800
set @i += 1
if @i > @n
return cast(cast('Malformed UTF-16 - two nchar sequence cut short' as int) as varbinary)
set @c2 = unicode(substring(@s, @i, 1))
if (@c2 & 0xFC00) <> 0xDC00
return cast(cast('Malformed UTF-16 - continuation missing in a two nchar sequence' as int) as varbinary)
set @c = (((@c & 0x3FF) * 0x400) | (@c2 & 0x3FF)) + 0x10000
if @c < 0x80
set @d = cast(@c as binary(1))
if @c >= 0x80 and @c < 0x800
set @d = cast(((@c * 4) & 0xFF00) | (@c & 0x3F) | 0xC080 as binary(2))
if @c >= 0x800 and @c < 0x10000
set @d = cast(((@c * 0x10) & 0xFF0000) | ((@c * 4) & 0x3F00) | (@c & 0x3F) | 0xe08080 as binary(3))
if @c >= 0x10000
set @d = cast(((@c * 0x40) & 0xFF000000) | ((@c * 0x10) & 0x3F0000) | ((@c * 4) & 0x3F00) | (@c & 0x3F) | 0xf0808080 as binary(4))
set @r += @d
set @i += 1
return @r
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