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Last active April 28, 2016 17:46
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Save stevewithington/3db029bd903908b29199 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Mura CMS: How to allow for responsive YouTube video embeds in the home page carousel.
1. Create a "Class Extension" for Link / Video
2. Replace the existing dspCarouselByFeedName() method in the theme's contentRenderer.cfc with the one below
3. Go add some Link/Video content types to your content collection.
For example, copy the YouTube "embed" video src link (Share > Embed) [e.g.,]
and paste that into the "URL" field when creating a content item.
<cffunction name="dspCarouselByFeedName" output="false">
<cfargument name="feedName" type="string" default="Slideshow" />
<cfargument name="showCaption" type="boolean" default="true" />
<cfargument name="cssID" type="string" default="myCarousel" />
<cfargument name="size" type="string" default="custom" hint="If you want to use a custom height/width, then use 'custom' ... otherwise, you can use 'small, medium, large' OR any other predefined custom image size 'name' you created via the back-end administrator." />
<cfargument name="width" type="numeric" default="1280" hint="width in pixels" />
<cfargument name="height" type="numeric" default="500" hint="height in pixels" />
<cfargument name="interval" type="any" default="5000" hint="Use either milliseconds OR use 'false' to NOT auto-advance to next slide." />
<cfargument name="autoStart" type="boolean" default="true" />
<cfargument name="showIndicators" type="boolean" default="true" />
var local = {};
local.imageArgs = {};
if ( not ListFindNoCase('small,medium,large,custom', arguments.size) and variables.$.getBean('imageSize').loadBy(name=arguments.size,siteID=variables.$.event('siteID')).getIsNew() ) {
arguments.size = 'custom';
if ( not Len(Trim(arguments.size)) or LCase(arguments.size) eq 'custom' ) {
local.imageArgs.width = Val(arguments.width);
local.imageArgs.height = Val(arguments.height);
} else {
local.imageArgs.size = arguments.size;
<cfsavecontent variable="local.str"><cfoutput>
<!--- BEGIN: Bootstrap Carousel --->
<!--- IMPORTANT: This will only output items that have associated images --->
<cfset local.feed = variables.$.getBean('feed').loadBy(name=arguments.feedName)>
<cfset local.iterator = local.feed.getIterator()>
<cfif local.feed.getIsNew()>
<div class="container">
<div class="alert alert-info alert-block">
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert"><i class="fa fa-remove"></i></button>
The <strong>#HTMLEditFormat(arguments.feedName)#</strong> Content Collection/Local Index does not exist.
<cfelseif local.iterator.hasNext()>
<div id="#arguments.cssID#" class="carousel slide" data-interval="#arguments.interval#">
<!--- Indicators --->
<cfif arguments.showIndicators>
<ol class="carousel-indicators">
<cfset local.iterator.reset()>
<cfset local.idx = 0>
<cfloop condition="local.iterator.hasNext()">
<cfif local.item.getSubtype() eq 'Video' or ListFindNoCase('jpg,jpeg,gif,png', ListLast(local.item.getImageURL(), '.'))>
<li data-target="###arguments.cssID#" data-slide-to="#idx#" class="<cfif local.idx eq 0>active</cfif>"></li>
<cfset local.idx++>
<!--- Wrapper for slides --->
<div class="row carousel-inner">
<cfset local.iterator.reset()>
<cfset local.idx = 0>
<cfloop condition="local.iterator.hasNext()">
<cfif ListFindNoCase('jpg,jpeg,gif,png', ListLast(local.item.getImageURL(), '.'))>
<div class="row item<cfif local.idx eq 0> active</cfif>">
<img src="#local.item.getImageURL(argumentCollection=local.imageArgs)#" alt="#HTMLEditFormat(local.item.getTitle())#">
<cfif arguments.showCaption>
<div class="container">
<div class="carousel-caption">
<h3><a href="#local.item.getURL()#">#HTMLEditFormat(local.item.getTitle())#</a></h3>
<p><a class="btn btn-larg btn-primary" href="#local.item.getURL()#">Read More</a></p>
<cfset local.idx++>
<cfif local.item.getSubType() eq 'Video'>
<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16x9 row item<cfif local.idx eq 0> active</cfif>">
<iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src="#local.item.getBody()#"></iframe>
<cfset local.idx++>
<cfif local.idx>
<!--- Controls --->
<cfif local.idx gt 1>
<a class="left carousel-control" href="###arguments.cssID#" data-slide="prev"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span></a>
<a class="right carousel-control" href="###arguments.cssID#" data-slide="next"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></span></a>
<!--- AutoStart --->
<cfif arguments.autoStart>
<div class="alert alert-info alert-block">
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert"><i class="fa fa-remove"></i></button>
<h4>Oh snap!</h4>
Your feed has no items <em>with images</em>.
<div class="alert alert-info alert-block">
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert"><i class="fa fa-remove"></i></button>
<h4>Heads up!</h4>
Your feed has no items.
<!--- // END: Bootstrap Carousel --->
<cfreturn local.str />
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