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Last active December 14, 2023 10:42
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  • Save stevewithington/7322583 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save stevewithington/7322583 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Mura CMS : In version 6.1, you can now obtain a Content Bean's extended attributes as a struct, and even pass in the Extend Set Name to get specific sets of extended attributes.
// Access all of the current content bean's extended attributes
// Access a specific Extend Set's attributes of the current content bean
$.content().getExtendedAttributes(name='Your Extend Set Name Goes Here');
// Access a query/recordset of the current content bean's extended attributes
// Access a specific Extend Set's attributes query/recordset
$.content().getExtendedAttributesQuery(name='Your Extend Set Name Goes Here');
// Access all extended attributes of a content item when looping through an iterator
// Content Bean of desired section
cBean = $.getBean('content').loadBy(title='Blog');
// Feed Bean
fBean = $.getBean('feed').addParam(
, field='tcontent.parentid'
, datatype='varchar'
, criteria=cBean.getContentID()
// The Iterator
it = fBean.getIterator();
<cfif it.hasNext()>
<cfloop condition="it.hasNext()">
<cfset item = />
<cfset rsAttributes = item.getExtendedAttributesQuery() />
<!--- To select only attributes of a specific Extend Set, just pass in the name of the Extend Set --->
<!--- <cfset rsAttributes = item.getExtendedAttributesQuery(name='Your Extend Set Name Goes Here') /> --->
<cfif rsAttributes.recordcount>
<cfloop query="rsAttributes">
<cfif Len(rsAttributes.attributeValue[currentrow])>
<li>#rsAttributes.label[currentrow]#: #rsAttributes.attributeValue[currentrow]#</li>
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Good stuff Steve!

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