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Created December 17, 2016 07:51
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object BTree {
type Children[A] = (Option[A], Option[A])
// We can define a non-empty binary tree as being a Cofree using the
// above pattern, with each node labelled by both a value, and
// memoized height of the tree.
type BTree[A] = Cofree[Children, (A,Int)]
@inline def extract[A](x: BTree[A]) = x.head._1
@inline def height[A](x: BTree[A]): Int = x.head._2
// A constructor for creating a node of the tree, given a value, and
// two possible child trees
def node[A](left: Option[BTree[A]], a: A, right: Option[BTree[A]]): BTree[A] = {
val h = java.lang.Math.max(left.cata(height, 0), right.cata(height,0)) + 1
Cofree[Children, (A,Int)]((a,h), (left, right))
// A constructor for creating a single element tree
def leaf[A](a: A): BTree[A] = Cofree[Children,(A,Int)]((a,1), (None, None))
@inline def left[A](t: BTree[A]): Option[BTree[A]] = t.tail._1
@inline def right[A](t: BTree[A]): Option[BTree[A]] = t.tail._2
// we are grafting the tree `a` to the location `loc`, we want to
// build a new balanced tree by balancing as we work our way upward.
// we assume that t is already balanced
private def graft[A](t: BTree[A], loc: BTreeLoc[A]): BTree[A] = {
val newTree = loc.foldLeft(t){(t, oldTree) =>
oldTree match {
case Some(Left(Cofree(head,_))) ⇒
node(left(head), extract(head), some(t))
case Some(Right(Cofree(head,_))) ⇒
node(some(t), extract(head), right(head))
case None ⇒ t
// this finds the location in the tree closest to where the given
// element would live.
private def findNode[A](t: BTree[A], a: A)(implicit order: Order[A]): (Int, BTreeLoc[A]) = {
@tailrec def loop(tl: BTreeLoc[A]): (Int, BTreeLoc[A]) =, extract(tl.head)) match {
case 0 ⇒
(0, tl)
case x if x < 0 ⇒
BTreeLoc.left(tl) match {
case Some(tl) ⇒ loop(tl)
case _ ⇒ (-1, tl)
case _ ⇒
BTreeLoc.right(tl) match {
case Some(tl) ⇒
case _ ⇒
(1, tl)
def delete[A](a: A)(t: BTree[A])(implicit order: Order[A]): Option[BTree[A]] = {
def removeLeast(bt: BTree[A]): (A, Option[BTree[A]]) = {
val bottom = least(rootLoc(bt))
val a = extract(bottom.head)
BTreeLoc.right(bottom) match {
case None ⇒ up(bottom) match {
case None ⇒ (a, None)
case Some(parent) ⇒
val newTree = node(None, extract(parent.head), right(parent.head))
(a, Some(graft(newTree, parent)))
case Some(t) ⇒
up(bottom) match {
case None ⇒ (a, Some(t.head))
case Some(parent) ⇒ (a, Some(graft(t.head, parent)))
val (o, loc) = findNode(t, a)
if(o == 0) (left(loc.head), right(loc.head)) match {
case (Some(l), Some(r)) ⇒
val (removed,remains) = removeLeast(r)
val newTree = node(Some(l), removed, remains)
Some(graft(newTree, loc))
case (None, Some(x)) ⇒ Some(graft(x, loc))
case (Some(y), None) ⇒ Some(graft(y, loc))
case (None,None) ⇒ None
else Some(t)
def insert[A](a: A)(t: BTree[A])(implicit order: Order[A]): BTree[A] = {
val (o, loc) = findNode(t, a)
if(o == 0) t
else if (o < 0) {
val n = node(some(leaf(a)), extract(loc.head), right(loc.head))
graft(n, loc)
} else {
val n = node(left(loc.head), extract(loc.head), some(leaf(a)))
graft(n, loc)
private def balance[A](t: BTree[A]): BTree[A] = {
def rotation(l: Int, r: Int, allow: Int): Int =
if(l - r > allow ) 1
else if(r - l > allow) -1
else 0
rotation(right(t).cata(height,0), left(t).cata(height,0), 1) match {
case 0 ⇒ t
case x if x > 0 ⇒
right(t) match {
case None ⇒ t
case Some(Cofree((rv,_), (rl, rr))) ⇒
if(rotation(rl.cata(height,0), rr.cata(height,0), 0) > 0 ) {
val Some(Cofree((rlv,_), (rll, rlr))) = rl
node(Some(node(left(t), extract(t), rll)), rlv, Some(node(rlr, rv, rr)))
} else {
node(Some(node(left(t), extract(t), rl)), rv, rr)
case _ ⇒
left(t) match {
case None ⇒ t
case Some(Cofree((lv,_), (ll, lr))) ⇒
if(rotation(ll.cata(height,0), lr.cata(height,0), 0) < 0) {
val Some(Cofree((lrv,_), (lrl, lrr))) = lr
node[A](Some(node(ll, lv, lrl)), lrv, Some(node(lrr, extract(t), right(t))))
} else {
node[A](ll, lv, Some(node(lr, extract(t), right(t))))
implicit class BTreeOps[A](t: BTree[A]) {
def show: String =
"[" + BTree.left(t).cata(, "") + "(" + extract(t) + ")" + BTree.right(t).cata(, "") + "]"
def left: Option[BTree[A]] = BTree.left(t)
def right: Option[BTree[A]] = BTree.right(t)
def delete(a: A)(implicit order: Order[A]): Option[BTree[A]] = BTree.delete(a)(t)
def insert(a: A)(implicit order: Order[A]): BTree[A] = BTree.insert(a)(t)
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