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Created October 16, 2012 17:29
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scalaz instances for an Akka Future
import akka.dispatch.ExecutionContext
import akka.dispatch.Future
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
object FutureInstances {
implicit val futureFunctor : Functor[Future] = new Functor[Future] {
override def map[A,B](fa: Future[A])(f: A=>B) = fa map f
implicit def futureMonad(implicit executor: ExecutionContext) : Monad[Future] with Zip[Future] = new Monad[Future] with Zip[Future] {
override def bind[A,B](fa: Future[A])(f: A=>Future[B]) = fa flatMap f
override def point[A](a: => A) = Future(a)
override def zip[A, B](a: => Future[A], b: => Future[B]) =
for {
x <- a
y <- b
} yield (x, y)
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