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Last active November 15, 2021 18:29
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type 4 uuids
unique type Guid = Guid Nat Nat Nat Nat
Guid.data1 = cases
Guid data1 _ _ _ -> data1
Guid.data2 = cases
Guid _ data2 _ _ -> data2
Guid.data3 = cases
Guid _ _ data3 _ -> data3
Guid.data4 = cases
Guid _ _ _ data4 -> data4
Guid.type4 : '{Random} Guid
Guid.type4 _ =
use Nat or and maxNat
a = nat!
b = nat!
{{ upper 32 bits set, lower unset }}
data1Mask = (shiftLeft Nat.maxNat 32)
data2Mask = (shiftRight (shiftLeft Nat.maxNat 48) 32)
data3Mask = (shiftRight (shiftLeft Nat.maxNat 48) 48)
versionAndMask = shiftRight Nat.maxNat 52
versionOrMask = shiftLeft 1 14
variantAndMask = shiftRight Nat.maxNat 2
variantOrMask = shiftLeft 1 63
data1 = Nat.shiftRight (Nat.and (data1Mask) a) 32
data2 = Nat.shiftRight (Nat.and (data2Mask) a) 16
data3 = Nat.or versionOrMask (Nat.and versionAndMask (Nat.and (data3Mask) a))
data4 = Nat.or variantOrMask (Nat.and variantAndMask b)
!(watch ("data1: " ++ (hexPrint 32 data1)))
!(watch ("data2: " ++ (hexPrint 16 data2)))
!(watch ("data3: " ++ (hexPrint 16 data3)))
!(watch ("data4: " ++ (hexPrint 64 data4)))
Guid.Guid data1 data2 data3 data4
hexPrint: Nat -> Nat -> Text
hexPrint howMany n =
hexDigit: Nat -> Text
hexDigit = cases
0 -> "0"
1 -> "1"
2 -> "2"
3 -> "3"
4 -> "4"
5 -> "5"
6 -> "6"
7 -> "7"
8 -> "8"
9 -> "9"
10 -> "a"
11 -> "b"
12 -> "c"
13 -> "d"
14 -> "e"
15 -> "f"
x -> Nat.toText x
go: Nat -> Text -> Text
go shift acc =
digit = Nat.and (shiftRight n shift) 15
next = acc ++ (hexDigit digit)
if shift Nat.> 0 then
go (truncate0 (shift - 4)) next
start = truncate0 (howMany - 4)
go start ""
Guid.toText : Guid -> Text
Guid.toText = cases
Guid a b c d ->
section1 = hexPrint 32 a
section2 = hexPrint 16 b
section3 = hexPrint 16 c
section4 = hexPrint 16 (Nat.shiftRight (Nat.and d (shiftLeft maxNat 48)) 48)
section5 = hexPrint 48 (Nat.and d (shiftRight maxNat 16))
section1 ++ "-" ++ section2 ++ "-" ++ section3 ++ "-" ++ section4 ++ "-" ++ section5
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