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Last active March 15, 2016 15:22
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Play with adjunctions, specifically with composing Writer -| Reader
import cats._
abstract class Adjunction[F[_], G[_]] { self =>
def left[A,B](a: A)(f: F[A] => B): G[B]
def right[A,B](fa: F[A])(f: A => G[B]): B
def unit[A](a: A): G[F[A]] =
def counit[A](fga: F[G[A]]): A =
* given any two adjoint functors, we can create a monad of their composite
def monad(implicit G: Functor[G]): Monad[({type λ[α] = G[F[α]]})#λ] =
new Monad[({type λ[α] = G[F[α]]})#λ] {
def pure[A](a: A) = unit(a)
def flatMap[A,B](gfa: G[F[A]])(f: A => G[F[B]]): G[F[B]] =
* we can compose one adjunction with another
def compose[H[_], I[_]](HI: Adjunction[H, I]):
Adjunction[({type λ[α] = H[F[α]]})#λ, ({type λ[α] = G[I[α]]})#λ] = {
new Adjunction[({type λ[α] = H[F[α]]})#λ, ({type λ[α] = G[I[α]]})#λ] {
def left[A,B](a: A)(f: H[F[A]] => B): G[I[B]] =
def right[A,B](hfa: H[F[A]])(f: A => G[I[B]]): B =
object ComposedState {
def writerReader[S]: Adjunction[(S,?), S => ?] =
new Adjunction[(S,?), S => ?] {
def left[A, B](a: A)(f: ((S, A)) => B): S => B = s => f((s,a))
def right[A,B](sa: (S,A))(f: A => S => B): B = f(sa._2)(sa._1)
type State[S,A] = S => (S, A)
type Stateful[S, A, B] = A => State[S,B]
type ComposedState[S1,S2,A] = S1 => (S2 => (S2, (S1, A)))
def composeAdjMonad[S1,S2]: Monad[ComposedState[S1,S2, ?]] = {
// Functor#compose seems to be broken in cats because it conflicts with Invariant#compose
// val f1: Functor[S1 => ?] = cats.std.function.function1Covariant
// val f2: Functor[S2 => ?] = cats.std.function.function1Covariant
// implicit val f3: Functor[({type λ[α] = S1 => (S2 => α)})#λ] = f1.compose(f2)
implicit val f3 = new Functor[({type λ[α] = S1 => (S2 => α)})#λ] {
override def map[A,B](fa: S1 => (S2 => A))(f: A => B) = s1 => s2 => f(fa(s1)(s2))
(writerReader[S1].compose[(S2,?), S2 => ?](writerReader[S2])).monad
* combine two A => S => (S,B) functions that perfom stateful
* computation on As such that a structure of As can be traversed
* once doing both computations.
def twoInParallel[A,S1,S2,B,C,R](sf1: Stateful[S1,A,B],
sf2: Stateful[S2,A,C],
f: (B,C) => R): A => ComposedState[S1,S2,R] =
(a: A) => s1 => s2 => {
val (ns2,c) = sf2(a)(s2)
val (ns1,b) = sf1(a)(s1)
(ns2, (ns1, f(b,c)))
* combine an A => S1 => (S1,B) with a B => S2 => (S2, B) so that
* one traversal of As can compute a C, using both stateful
* computations.
def feedOneAnother[A, S1, S2, B, C](sf1: Stateful[S1,A,B],
sf2: Stateful[S2,B,C]):
A => ComposedState[S1,S2,C] = a => s1 => s2 => {
val (ns1,b) = sf1(a)(s1)
val (ns2,c) = sf2(b)(s2)
(ns2, (ns1, c))
* traverse an F full of As with a composite stateful computation
def traverseS2[F[_], S1, S2, A, C](fa: F[A])(s: A => ComposedState[S1, S2, C])(s1: S1, s2: S2)(implicit F: Traverse[F]): (S1, S2, F[C]) = {
val st = F.traverse[ComposedState[S1,S2,?], A, C](fa)(s)(composeAdjMonad[S1,S2])
val (ns2, (ns1, c)) = st(s1)(s2)
(ns1, ns2, c)
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