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Last active October 13, 2018 23:56
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  • Save stewSquared/223c6c780d3ebb5f004d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save stewSquared/223c6c780d3ebb5f004d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* The following is an implementation of Combinatory Logic as a scala DSL. It
* is evaluated using head-first graph reduction, as described in "Compiling
* Functional Languages" by Antoni Diller. This particular gist is adapted from
* which I wrote for Scala
* Puzzle Night, a meetup that I run occasionally. See the in that
* project for more information.
* The interesting bits of this are eval, reduce, and extract. The second half
* of this file is a demonstration. It's written so as to be easy to `:paste`
* in the Scala REPL. It has no external dependencies; you can save it to a new
* directory and run it with `sbt run`.
* More Combinatory Logic Background:
* -
* -
* -
object comblogic {
import annotation.tailrec
* A Term is either an Atom or a Combination (*) of two atoms Atoms.
* An Atom is either a VARiable representing a primitive
* or a CONstant representing one of the various combinators.
sealed trait Term {
def *(that: Term) = comblogic.*(this, that)
* Given a term M and variable x, M.extract(x) returns a term Mp
* not containing x such that (Mp * x) evaluates the same way as M
def extract(x: Var): Term = this match {
case t: Term if !t.contains(x) => K * t
case v: Var if v == x => I
case t * (v: Var) if !t.contains(x) && (v == x) => t
case l * r if !l.contains(x) && r.contains(x) => B * l * r.extract(x)
case l * r if l.contains(x) && !r.contains(x) => C * l.extract(x) * r
case l * r => S * l.extract(x) * r.extract(x)
def contains(x: Var): Boolean = this match {
case a: Atom => a == x
case (a * b) => a.contains(x) || b.contains(x)
private[comblogic] def appendTerms(terms: List[Term]): Term =
terms.foldLeft(this)((acc, t) => acc * t)
sealed trait Atom extends Term
sealed trait Con extends Atom
case object S extends Con
case object K extends Con
case object I extends Con // SKK
case object B extends Con // S(KS)K
case object C extends Con // S(BBS)(KK)
case object Y extends Con // AA where A =^= B(SI)(SII)
case class Var(name: String) extends Atom {
override def toString = name
type Combination = *
case class *(left: Term, right: Term) extends Term {
override def toString = this match {
case p * (q * r) => s"$p(${q * r})"
case _ => s"$left$right"
* Effects the reduction rules of the various combinators. A reducible
* expression (a "redex") is a combinator followed by enough arguments for
* that combinator's reduction rule to be applied.
def reduce: Term = this match {
case I * p => p
case K * p * q => p
case B * p * q * r => p * (q * r)
case C * p * q * r => p * r * q
case S * p * q * r => p * r * (q * r)
case Y * f => f * (Y * f)
case ((left: Combination) * right) => left.reduce * right
case nonRedex: Combination => nonRedex
@tailrec // Evaluate a term by reducing its head repeatedly.
def eval(t: Term, stack: List[Term] = Nil): Term = t match {
case ((comb: Combination) * p * q * r) => eval(comb * p * q, r::stack)
case ((c: Con) * p * q * r) => eval((c * p * q * r).reduce, stack)
case ((a: Atom) * p * q * r) => t.appendTerms(stack)
case term: Term if stack.nonEmpty => eval(term * stack.head, stack.tail)
case comb: Combination => {
val reduced = comb.reduce
if (reduced == comb) comb else eval(reduced)
case a: Atom => a
// Encode a function over Terms as a static Term
def bracketAbstraction(f: Term => Term): Term = {
val x = Var("variable")
def bracketAbstraction(f: (Term, Term) => Term): Term = {
val x = Var("variable-x")
val y = Var("variable-y")
f(x, y).extract(y).extract(x)
object Demonstrations extends App {
import comblogic._
val p: Var = Var("p")
val q: Var = Var("q")
val r: Var = Var("r")
val s: Var = Var("s")
val leftParens = ((p * q) * r) * s
val rightParens = p * (q * (r * s))
val nested = p * p * (p * p * (q * r) * s * s) * s * s
println(List(leftParens, rightParens, nested).mkString("\n"))
println("Basic evaluation:")
println(K*p*q + " evaluates to " + eval(K*p*q))
println(S*p*q*r + " evaluates to " + eval(S*p*q*r))
val long = S*(K*S)*K * (S*(K*S)*K * S) * (S*(K*S)*K) * K * (S*K*K) * S * s
println(long + " evaluates to " + eval(long))
assert(eval(long) == s)
println("Boolean operators in Combinatory Logic:")
val TRUE: Term = K
val FALSE: Term = K*I
def not(p: Term) = p * FALSE * TRUE
def and(p: Term, q: Term) = p * q * FALSE
def or(p: Term, q: Term) = p * TRUE * q
def xor(p: Term, q: Term) =
and(not(p), not(q))))
assert(eval(xor(TRUE, TRUE)) == FALSE)
assert(eval(xor(TRUE, FALSE)) == TRUE)
assert(eval(xor(FALSE, TRUE)) == TRUE)
assert(eval(xor(FALSE, FALSE)) == FALSE)
val NOT: Term = bracketAbstraction(not _)
val AND: Term = bracketAbstraction(and _)
val OR: Term = bracketAbstraction(or _)
val XOR: Term = bracketAbstraction(xor _)
assert(eval(XOR * TRUE * TRUE) == FALSE)
assert(eval(XOR * TRUE * FALSE) == TRUE)
assert(eval(XOR * FALSE * TRUE) == TRUE)
assert(eval(XOR * FALSE * FALSE) == FALSE)
println("NOT: " + NOT)
println("AND: " + AND)
println("OR: " + OR)
println("XOR: " + XOR)
println("Pay attention to the difference here.")
println("`XOR` is a static term that can be applied to arbitrary terms.")
println("`xor` returns a dynamically calculated term.")
println("The former contains no variables. Observe the latter:")
val x = Var("<variable-x>")
val y = Var("<variable-y>")
println("xor: " + xor(x, y))
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