Creating a Google Takeout export (specifically for Google Drive) requires this POST variable to be set.
The above is an example of a drive export. The [\"1AO8SZZvP1XJUPWk8iKMcT44heFqaHcjy\"]
is clearly a list of Drive ID's, \"TGZ\"
is the archive format (either 'TGZ' or 'ZIP') and 4294967295
is the size of the single archives.
["1073741824", "2147483648", "4294967295", "10737418240", "53687091200"]
[["","U5lrKc","[\"\",[\"ac.t.ta\",\"e6be7f48-cdb1-4f9a-8c96-ba104e447b7b\",\"28 December 2019\",null,\"\",null,0,[[\"drive\",\"Drive\",\"\",null,null,null,null,null,\"\"]\n]\n,null,***0***,null,false,null,null,null,null,null,false,5,null,null,false,1577822939583,null,0]\n]\n",null,null,null,"generic"]
The progress of your archive is given by the number surrounded by ***
in the above JSON. You can check on the status of the archive by polling:
When you right-click and Download a folder in Drive, a request is made to the takeout endpoint. The JSON payload is:
{"archiveFormat":"TGZ","archivePrefix":"6 prefix","conversions":null,"items":[{"id":"1Km3S2ZK3c_FRR1RHz2rvPJ1rEc21T1Hm"}],"locale":null}
Attempting to find the parameter which allows us to specify the archive size was a lot of brute forcing, with mostly these errors:
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "Invalid JSON payload received. Unknown name \"compressedSize\" at 'export_request': Cannot find field.",
"details": [
"@type": "",
"fieldViolations": [
"field": "export_request",
"description": "Invalid JSON payload received. Unknown name \"compressedSize\" at 'export_request': Cannot find field."
Hey @stewartmcgown, appreciate you responding :)
Would you mind posting something like an example
request to demonstrate how to actually make that POST request? I spent quite a bit of time on this and wasn't able to figure it out. Or maybe go into a bit more detail on how to use it otherwise?