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Check Missing or Risky PodDisruptionBudget Policies
context="${CONTEXT}"; namespace="${NAMESPACE}"; check_health() { local type=$1; local name=$2; local replicas=$3; local selector=$4; local pdbs=$(kubectl --context "$context" --namespace "$namespace" get pdb -o json | jq -c --arg selector "$selector" '.items[] | select(.spec.selector.matchLabels | to_entries[] | .key + "=" + .value == $selector)'); if [[ $replicas -gt 1 && -z "$pdbs" ]]; then printf "%-30s %-30s %-10s\n" "$type/$name" "" "Missing"; else echo "$pdbs" | jq -c . | while IFS= read -r pdb; do local pdbName=$(echo "$pdb" | jq -r ''); local minAvailable=$(echo "$pdb" | jq -r '.spec.minAvailable // ""'); local maxUnavailable=$(echo "$pdb" | jq -r '.spec.maxUnavailable // ""'); if [[ "$minAvailable" == "100%" || "$maxUnavailable" == "0" || "$maxUnavailable" == "0%" ]]; then printf "%-30s %-30s %-10s\n" "$type/$name" "$pdbName" "Risky"; elif [[ $replicas -gt 1 && ("$minAvailable" != "100%" || "$maxUnavailable" != "0" || "$maxUnavailable" != "0%") ]]; then printf "%-30s %-30s %-10s\n" "$type/$name" "$pdbName" "OK"; fi; done; fi; }; echo "Deployments:"; echo "-----------"; printf "%-30s %-30s %-10s\n" "NAME" "PDB" "STATUS"; kubectl --context "$context" --namespace "$namespace" get deployments -o json | jq -c '.items[] | "\( \(.spec.replicas) \(.spec.selector.matchLabels | to_entries[] | .key + "=" + .value)"' | while read -r line; do check_health "Deployment" $(echo $line | tr -d '"'); done; echo ""; echo "Statefulsets:"; echo "-------------"; printf "%-30s %-30s %-10s\n" "NAME" "PDB" "STATUS"; kubectl --context "$context" --namespace "$namespace" get statefulsets -o json | jq -c '.items[] | "\( \(.spec.replicas) \(.spec.selector.matchLabels | to_entries[] | .key + "=" + .value)"' | while read -r line; do check_health "StatefulSet" $(echo $line | tr -d '"'); done
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