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Find Ingress Owner and Service Health
namespace="${NAMESPACE}"; context="${CLUSTER}"; ingress="${INGRESS_OBJECT_NAME}"; echo "Ingress: $ingress"; health_status="NA"; services=(); backend_services=$(kubectl get ingress "$ingress" -n "$namespace" --context "$context" -ojsonpath='{range .spec.rules[*].http.paths[*]}{}{" "}{.backend.service.port.number}{"\n"}{end}'); IFS=$'\n'; for line in $backend_services; do service=$(echo "$line" | cut -d " " -f 1); port=$(echo "$line" | cut -d " " -f 2); if [ -n "$service" ] && [ -n "$port" ]; then echo "Backend Service: $service, Port: $port"; service_exists=$(kubectl get service "$service" -n "$namespace" --context "$context" -ojsonpath='{}'); if [ -z "$service_exists" ]; then health_status="Unhealthy"; echo "Validation: Service $service does not exist"; else endpoint_pods=$(kubectl get endpoints "$service" -n "$namespace" --context "$context" -ojsonpath='{range .subsets[*].addresses[*]}- Pod Name: {}, Pod IP: {.ip}\n{end}'); if [ -z "$endpoint_pods" ]; then health_status="Unhealthy"; echo "Validation: Endpoint for service $service does not have any pods"; else echo "Endpoint Pod:"; echo -e "$endpoint_pods"; for pod in $endpoint_pods; do if [[ $pod == *"- Pod Name: "* ]]; then pod_name="${pod#*- Pod Name: }"; pod_name="${pod_name%%,*}"; if [ -n "$pod_name" ]; then owner_kind=$(kubectl get pod "$pod_name" -n "$namespace" --context "$context" -o=jsonpath='{.metadata.ownerReferences[0].kind}'); if [ -n "$owner_kind" ]; then if [ "$owner_kind" = "StatefulSet" ] || [ "$owner_kind" = "DaemonSet" ]; then owner_info="$(kubectl get pod "$pod_name" -n "$namespace" --context "$context" -o=jsonpath='{.metadata.ownerReferences[0].name}') $owner_kind"; else replicaset=$(kubectl get pod "$pod_name" -n "$namespace" --context "$context" -o=jsonpath='{.metadata.ownerReferences[0].name}'); if [ -n "$replicaset" ]; then owner_kind=$(kubectl get replicaset "$replicaset" -n "$namespace" --context "$context" -o=jsonpath='{.metadata.ownerReferences[0].kind}'); owner_name=$(kubectl get replicaset "$replicaset" -n "$namespace" --context "$context" -o=jsonpath='{.metadata.ownerReferences[0].name}'); owner_info="$owner_name $owner_kind"; fi; fi; fi; if [ -n "$owner_info" ]; then echo "Owner: $owner_info"; fi; fi; fi; done; health_status="Healthy"; fi; fi; services+=("$service"); fi; done; for service in "${services[@]}"; do service_exists=$(kubectl get service "$service" -n "$namespace" --context "$context" -ojsonpath='{}'); if [ -z "$service_exists" ]; then health_status="Unhealthy"; echo "Validation: Service $service does not exist"; else endpoint_exists=$(kubectl get endpoints "$service" -n "$namespace" --context "$context" -ojsonpath='{}'); if [ -z "$endpoint_exists" ]; then health_status="Unhealthy"; echo "Validation: Endpoint for service $service does not exist"; fi; fi; done; if [ "$health_status" = "Unhealthy" ]; then echo "Health Status: $health_status"; echo "====================="; elif [ "$health_status" = "Healthy" ]; then echo "Health Status: $health_status"; fi; echo "------------"
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