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Last active July 23, 2019 13:46
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Cross platform animated GIF in Xamarin Forms
// in your XAML
<WebView x:Name="AnimatedGIF" HorizontalOptions="Center" VerticalOptions="Center" WidthRequest="64" HeightRequest="64" BackgroundColor="#336699"></WebView>
// in your CS (constructor)
AnimatedGIF.Source = GifViewHelper.GetGifViewSource("my-animation.gif", AnimatedGIF.BackgroundColor);
// the helper class
public class GifViewHelper
public static HtmlWebViewSource GetGifViewSource(string filename, Color backgroundColour)
string background = GetHexString(backgroundColour);
HtmlWebViewSource source = new HtmlWebViewSource();
source.Html = string.Empty;
string base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(File.ReadAllBytes(filename));
string mimeType = "image/gif";
source.Html = "<html><body style=\"margin:0px; padding:0px; background:" + background + ";\"><img src=\"data:" + mimeType + ";base64," + base64 + "\" width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\"></body></html>";
return source;
public static string GetHexString(Color color)
var red = (int)(color.R * 255);
var green = (int)(color.G * 255);
var blue = (int)(color.B * 255);
var hex = $"#{red:X2}{green:X2}{blue:X2}";
return hex;
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Note that file access will vary depending on platform (best to use a file helper interface with platform specific implementations for this).

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