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Last active April 19, 2019 00:08
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PyAbel transform pairs test
import numpy as np
import abel
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
n = 101
fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 2, sharex=True, sharey=True)
case = '1st-order-diff'
# case = 'gradient'
print('profile hansenlaw basex 3pt')
for i, prof in enumerate([1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7]):
f =, profile=prof)
hl = abel.hansenlaw.hansenlaw_transform(f.abel, dr=f.dr, hold_order=0)
tp = abel.dasch.three_point_transform(f.abel, dr=f.dr)
ba = abel.basex.basex_transform(f.abel, dr=f.dr, verbose=False)
row = i // 2
col = i % 2
ax = axs[row, col]
ax.plot(f.r, (hl-f.func)*100, lw=1)
ax.plot(f.r, (ba-f.func)*100, lw=1)
ax.plot(f.r, (tp-f.func)*100, lw=1)
ax.annotate(f.label, (0.75, -0.4), fontsize='smaller')
ax.axis(ymin=-0.5, ymax=0.5)
msehl = np.square(hl-f.func).mean()
mseba = np.square(ba-f.func).mean()
msetp = np.square(tp-f.func).mean()
print(f'{f.label[-1]:8s} {msehl:4.2e} {mseba:4.2e} {msetp:4.2e}')
ax.annotate(f'h&l {msehl:4.2e}', (0.1, 0.4), fontsize=7, color='C0')
ax.annotate(f'bas {mseba:4.2e}', (0.1, 0.3), fontsize=7, color='C1')
ax.annotate(f'3pt {msetp:4.2e}', (0.1, 0.2), fontsize=7, color='C2')
if col == 0:
ax.set_ylabel(r'diff. (%)')
if row == 3:
plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0)
plt.suptitle(f'transform pairs, n = {n:d}, {case}')
plt.savefig(f'TP-{case}.png', dpi=100, bb_inches='tight')
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