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Last active November 2, 2017 22:59
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I am currently analyzing a dataset of stable isotopes. I am trying to make SEAc of the responses, and Im using the code and data shown below this post.
I want to compare the groups with single digits, to the groups with double digits. (1 vs 11, 2 vs 12 etc).
However, I get the following reply from R ; (I am running R studio on a Macbook Air)
"# Plot the convex hull
+ lines(CH$xcoords,CH$ycoords,lwd=1,lty=3)
+ }
Error in spx[[j]] : subscript out of bounds"
Also, the ellipses are not fitted to the plot that is created from the code.
The whole code ;
this demo generates some random data for M consumers based on N samples and
# constructs a standard ellipse for each based on SEAc and SEA_B
rm(list = ls())
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# change this line
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# now close all currently open windows
# read in some data
# NB the column names have to be exactly, "group", "x", "y"
mydata <- read.table("example_ellipse_data.txt",sep="\t",header=T)
# make the column names availble for direct calling
# now loop through the data and calculate the ellipses
ngroups <- length(unique(group))
# split the isotope data based on group
spx <- split(x,group)
spy <- split(y,group)
# create some empty vectors for recording our metrics
SEA <- numeric(ngroups)
SEAc <- numeric(ngroups)
TA <- numeric(ngroups)
legend("topright",legend=as.character(paste("Group ",unique(group))),
for (j in unique(group)){
# Fit a standard ellipse to the data
SE <- standard.ellipse(spx[[j]],spy[[j]],steps=1)
# Extract the estimated SEA and SEAc from this object
SEA[j] <- SE$SEA
SEAc[j] <- SE$SEAc
# plot the standard ellipse with d.f. = 2 (i.e. SEAc)
# These are plotted here as thick solid lines
# Also, for comparison we can fit and plot the convex hull
# the convex hull is plotted as dotted thin lines
# Calculate the convex hull for the jth group's isotope values
# held in the objects created using split() called spx and spy
CH <- convexhull(spx[[j]],spy[[j]])
# Extract the area of the convex hull from this object
TA[j] <- CH$TA
# Plot the convex hull
# print the area metrics to screen for comparison
# NB if you are working with real data rather than simulated then you wont be
# able to calculate the population SEA (pop.SEA)
# If you do this enough times or for enough groups you will easily see the
# bias in SEA as an estimate of pop.SEA as compared to SEAc which is unbiased.
# Both measures are equally variable.
# So far we have fitted the standard ellipses based on frequentist methods
# and calculated the relevant metrics (SEA and SEAc). Now we turn our attention
# to producing a Bayesian estimate of the standard ellipse and its area SEA_B
reps <- 10^4 # the number of posterior draws to make
# Generate the Bayesian estimates for the SEA for each group using the
# utility function siber.ellipses
SEA.B <- siber.ellipses(x,y,group,R=reps)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Plot out some of the data and results
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Plot the credible intervals for the estimated ellipse areas now
# stored in the matrix SEA.B
xlab="Group",ylab="Area (permil^2)",
main="Different estimates of Standard Ellipse Area (SEA)")
# and now overlay the other metrics on teh same plot for comparison
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compare two ellipses for significant differences in SEA
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# to test whether Group 1 SEA is smaller than Group 2...
# you need to calculate the proportion of G1 ellipses that are less
# than G2 <- sum( SEA.B[,1] < SEA.B[,2] ) / nrow(SEA.B)
# In this case, all the posterior ellipses for G1 are less than G2 so
# we can conclude that G1 is smaller than G2 with p approx = 0, and
# certainly p < 0.0001.
# and for G1 < G3 <- sum( SEA.B[,1] < SEA.B[,3] ) / nrow(SEA.B)
# etc...
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# To calculate the overlap between two ellipses you can use the following code
# NB: the degree of overlap is sensitive to the size of ellipse you
# choose to draw around each group of data. However, regardless of the choice
# of ellipse, the extent of overlap will range from 0 to 1, with values closer
# to 1 representing more overlap. So, at worst it is a semi-quantitative
# measure regardless of extent of the ellipse, but the finer detials and
# magnitudes of the effect size will be sensitive to this choice.
# Additional coding will be required if you wish to calculate the overlap
# between ellipses other than those described by SEA or SEAc.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The overlap between the SEAc for groups 1 and 3 is given by:
# Fit a standard ellipse to the data
# NB, I use a small step size to make sure i get more "round" ellipses,
# as this method is computatonal and based on the discretisation of the
# ellipse boundaries.
overlap.G1.G3 <- overlap(spx[[1]],spy[[1]],spx[[3]],spy[[3]],steps=1)
# you can also cacluate the overlap between two of the convex hulls,
# or indeed any polygon using the code that underlies the overlap() function.
# fit a hull to the Group 1 data
hullG1 <- convexhull(spx[[1]],spy[[1]])
# create a list object of the unique xy coordinates of the hull
# the first and last entries are coincident for plotting, so ignore the first...
# hence the code to subset [2:length(hullG1$xcoords)]
h1 <- list( x = hullG1$xcoords[2:length(hullG1$xcoords)] , y = hullG1$ycoords[2:length(hullG1$xcoords)] )
# Do the same for the Group 3 data
hullG3 <- convexhull(spx[[3]],spy[[3]])
h3 <- list( x = hullG3$xcoords[2:length(hullG3$xcoords)] , y = hullG3$ycoords[2:length(hullG3$xcoords)] )
# and calculate the overlap using the function in spatstat package.
hull.overlap.G1.G3 <- overlap.xypolygon(h1,h3)
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Hi, Im having the same problem. Did you ever figure this out?

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