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Created April 20, 2011 16:31
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package org.osflash.signals
* The SignalBindingList class represents an immutable list of SignalBinding objects.
* @author Joa Ebert
* @private
public final class SignalBindingList
public static const NIL:SignalBindingList = new SignalBindingList(null, null);
* Creates and returns a new SignalBindingList object.
* <p>A user never has to create a SignalBindingList manually. Use the <code>NIL</code> element to represent an
* empty list. <code>NIL.prepend(value)</code> would create a list containing <code>value</code>.
* @param head The head of the list.
* @param tail The tail of the list.
public function SignalBindingList(head:ISignalBinding, tail:SignalBindingList = null)
if (!head && !tail)
if (NIL) throw new ArgumentError(
'Parameters head and tail are null. Use the NIL element instead.');
//this is the NIL element as per definition
nonEmpty = false;
this.head = head;
this.tail = tail || NIL;
nonEmpty = true;
// Although those variables are not const, they would be if AS3 would handle it correctly.
public var head:ISignalBinding;
public var tail:SignalBindingList;
public var nonEmpty:Boolean = false;
* The length of the list.
public function get length():uint
if (!nonEmpty) return 0;
if (tail == NIL) return 1;
// We could cache the length, but it would make methods like filterNot unnecessarily complicated.
// Instead we assume that O(n) is okay since the length property is used in rare cases.
// We could also cache the length lazy, but that is a waste of another 8b per list node (at least).
var result:uint = 0;
var p:SignalBindingList = this;
while (p.nonEmpty)
p = p.tail;
return result;
public function prepend(binding:ISignalBinding):SignalBindingList
return new SignalBindingList(binding, this);
* Clones the list and adds a binding to the end.
* @param binding
* @return A new list with the binding appended to the end.
public function append(binding:ISignalBinding):SignalBindingList
if (!binding) return this;
if (!nonEmpty) return new SignalBindingList(binding);
// Special case: just one binding.
if (tail == NIL)
return new SignalBindingList(binding).prepend(head);
const wholeClone:SignalBindingList = new SignalBindingList(head);
var subClone:SignalBindingList = wholeClone;
var current:SignalBindingList = tail;
while (current.nonEmpty)
subClone = subClone.tail = new SignalBindingList(current.head);
current = current.tail;
// Append the new binding last.
subClone.tail = new SignalBindingList(binding);
return wholeClone;
public function insertWithPriority(binding:ISignalBinding):SignalBindingList
if (!nonEmpty) return new SignalBindingList(binding);
const priority:int = binding.priority;
// Special case: new binding has the highest priority.
if (priority > this.head.priority) return prepend(binding);
const wholeClone:SignalBindingList = new SignalBindingList(head);
var subClone:SignalBindingList = wholeClone;
var current:SignalBindingList = tail;
// Find a binding with lower priority and go in front of it.
while (current.nonEmpty)
if (priority > current.head.priority)
const newTail : SignalBindingList = current.prepend(binding);
return new SignalBindingList(head, newTail);
subClone = subClone.tail = new SignalBindingList(current.head);
current = current.tail;
// Binding has lowest priority.
subClone.tail = new SignalBindingList(binding);
return wholeClone;
public function filterNot(listener:Function):SignalBindingList
if (!nonEmpty || listener == null) return this;
if (listener == head.listener) return tail;
// The first item wasn't a match so the filtered list will contain it.
const wholeClone:SignalBindingList = new SignalBindingList(head);
var subClone:SignalBindingList = wholeClone;
var current:SignalBindingList = tail;
while (current.nonEmpty)
if (current.head.listener == listener)
// Splice out the current head.
subClone.tail = current.tail;
return wholeClone;
subClone = subClone.tail = new SignalBindingList(current.head);
current = current.tail;
// The listener was not found so this list is unchanged.
return this;
public function contains(listener:Function):Boolean
if (!nonEmpty) return false;
var p:SignalBindingList = this;
while (p.nonEmpty)
if (p.head.listener == listener) return true;
p = p.tail;
return false;
public function find(listener:Function):ISignalBinding
if (!nonEmpty) return null;
var p:SignalBindingList = this;
while (p.nonEmpty)
if (p.head.listener == listener) return p.head;
p = p.tail;
return null;
public function toString():String
var buffer:String = '';
var p:SignalBindingList = this;
while (p.nonEmpty)
buffer += p.head + " -> ";
p = p.tail;
buffer += "NIL";
return "[List "+buffer+"]";
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