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Created September 12, 2012 11:27
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LESS vs Sass: grid
@desktopColumnWidth: 60px;
@tabletColumnWidth: 95px;
@gutter: 10px;
.desktop-column (@theColumn: 1) {
width: (@desktopColumnWidth * @theColumn) + (@gutter * (@theColumn - 1) * 2);
.tablet-column (@theColumn: 1) {
width: (@tabletColumnWidth * @theColumn) + (@gutter * (@theColumn - 1) * 2);
@media screen and (min-width: 980px) {
.desktop-1 { .desktop-column(1); }
.desktop-2 { .desktop-column(2); }
.desktop-3 { .desktop-column(3); }
.desktop-4 { .desktop-column(4); }
.desktop-5 { .desktop-column(5); }
.desktop-6 { .desktop-column(6); }
.desktop-7 { .desktop-column(7); }
.desktop-8 { .desktop-column(8); }
.desktop-9 { .desktop-column(9); }
.desktop-10 { .desktop-column(10); }
.desktop-11 { .desktop-column(11); }
.desktop-12 { .desktop-column(12); }
@media screen and (min-width: 690px) and (max-width: 979px) {
.tablet-1 { .tablet-column(1); }
.tablet-2 { .tablet-column(2); }
.tablet-3 { .tablet-column(3); }
.tablet-4 { .tablet-column(4); }
.tablet-5 { .tablet-column(5); }
.tablet-6 { .tablet-column(6); }
@mixin grid ($prefix, $gridWidth, $columnCount, $columnWidth, $gutterWidth) {
@for $columns from 1 through $columnCount {
.#{$prefix}#{$columns} { width: ($columnWidth * $columns) + ($gutterWidth * ($columns - 1)); }
@media screen and (min-width: 980px) {
@include grid('desktop-', 960px, 12, 60px, 10px);
@media screen and (min-width: 690px) and (max-width: 979px) {
@include grid('tablet-', 690px, 6, 95px, 10px);
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