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Last active June 25, 2018 10:45
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Comparison of spatial join (points within polygon) with `sp` or `sf` package
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# read point data as data.frame/tibble
# example data downloaded on GBIF:
invasive_species <- read_tsv("./invasive_crabs.csv") %>%
filter(!, !
#### sp package ####
# read spatial data
eugrid <- readOGR("./EUgrid10.geojson")
# convert dat.frame to spatial data.frame
crs_wgs84 <- CRS("+init=epsg:4326")
coord <- invasive_species %>%
select(decimallongitude, decimallatitude)
invasive_spatial <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(coord,
data = invasive_species,
proj4string = crs_wgs84)
# spatial JOIN: over
invasive_eugrid10 <- over(invasive_spatial, spTransform(eugrid, crs_wgs84))
invasive_species_eugrid10 <- bind_cols(invasive_species,
#### sf package ####
# read spatial data
eugrid <- st_read("./EUgrid10.geojson") %>%
st_transform(crs = 31370)
# convert data.frame to spatial data.frame
invasive_spatial <- st_as_sf(invasive_species,
coords = c("decimallongitude",
crs = 4326) %>%
st_transform(crs = 31370)
# spatial JOIN: st_join
invasive_eugrid10 <- st_join(invasive_spatial, eugrid,
join = st_within, left = TRUE) %>%
select(-EofOrigin, -NofOrigin) # exclude the EofOrigin NofOrigin columns
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