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Created April 27, 2010 10:33
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(ns sample.grep
"A simple complete Clojure program."
(:use [ :only [read-lines]])
(defn make-counter [initial-value]
(let [current-value (atom initial-value)]
(fn []
(swap! current-value inc))))
(defn numbered-lines [lines]
(let [cnt (make-counter 0)]
(map #(vector (cnt) %) lines)))
(defn grep-in-file [pattern file]
{file (filter #(re-find pattern (second %)) (numbered-lines (read-lines file)))})
(defn grep-in-files [pattern files]
(apply merge (map #(grep-in-file pattern %) files)))
(defn print-matches [matches]
(doseq [file-match matches]
(let [fname (first file-match)
matches (second file-match)]
(doseq [match matches]
(println (str fname ":" (first match) ":" (second match)))))))
(defn -main [pattern & files]
(if (or (nil? pattern) (empty? files))
(println "Usage: grep <pattern> <file...>")
(println (format "grep started with pattern %s and file(s) %s" pattern (apply str (interpose ", " files))))
(print-matches (grep-in-files (re-pattern pattern) files))
(println "Done."))))
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