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use yew::html;
use yew::prelude::*;
pub struct Component1 {
pub label: String,
pub value: u16,
#[derive(Default, PartialEq, Clone)]
pub struct Props {
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: DaemonSet
app: contour
name: contour
namespace: heptio-contour
/* automatically generated by rust-bindgen */
# [ repr ( C ) ] # [ derive ( Copy , Clone , Debug , Default , Eq , Hash , Ord , PartialEq , PartialOrd ) ] pub struct __BindgenBitfieldUnit < Storage , Align > where Storage : AsRef < [ u8 ] > + AsMut < [ u8 ] >, { storage : Storage , align : [ Align ; 0 ] , } impl < Storage , Align > __BindgenBitfieldUnit < Storage , Align > where Storage : AsRef < [ u8 ] > + AsMut < [ u8 ] >, { # [ inline ] pub fn new ( storage : Storage ) -> Self { Self { storage , align : [ ] , } } # [ inline ] pub fn get_bit ( & self , index : usize ) -> bool { debug_assert ! ( index / 8 < self . storage . as_ref ( ) . len ( ) ) ; let byte_index = index / 8 ; let byte = self . storage . as_ref ( ) [ byte_index ] ; let bit_index = if cfg ! ( target_endian = "big" ) { 7 - ( index % 8 ) } else { index % 8 } ; let mask = 1 << bit_index ; byte & mask == mask } # [ inline ] pub fn set_bit ( & mut self , index : usize , val : bool ) { debug_assert ! ( index / 8 < self . storage . as_ref ( ) . len
try_handle_msg(Props, State = #cb_state{update = Update}) ->
case build_record(Props, #maestro_domain{}, undefined, update) of
{ok, Domain = #maestro_domain{name=Name}, SeqNum, Action}
when (Action == update orelse Action == delete),
is_integer(SeqNum) orelse is_list(SeqNum) ->
Timestamp = utils:datetime_to_epoch(erlang:universaltime()),
Latency = Timestamp - utils:to_i(Domain#maestro_domain.emitted_at),
case Action of
update -> hermes_domain:update(Domain);
delete -> hermes_domain:delete(Name)
package main
import (
mentionsUs :: State -> Status -> Bool
mentionsUs State {ourUserId = uid} status =
let userids = fromMaybe [] $ (map (userEntityUserId . entityBody) . enUserMentions)
<$> statusEntities status in
any (==uid) userids
$ h apps:create -r liz
Creating guarded-harbor-7296... done, stack is cedar-14 |
Git remote liz added
$ h sudo labs:enable http-sni
Enabling http-sni for guarded-harbor-7296... done
WARNING: This feature is experimental and may change or be removed without notice.
For more information see: ask Cedar
$ git push liz master
fatal: unable to access '': SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate
#!/usr/bin/env python
def stats(f):
nums = []
for i, line in enumerate(f):
if i % 5 == 0:
yield (sum(nums), min(nums), max(nums))
nums = []
# The Incident Dashboard module
Rearview.module('Dashboard', (Dashboard, App, Backbone, Marionette, $, _) ->
Dashboard.Router = Backbone.Router.extend
routes: {
"dashboard(/)": "dashboard",
"dashboard/:team(/)": "dashboard"
## Layouts #################################################################