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Created December 2, 2010 05:08
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Soap definition for methods which call into Enform's services
SOAP client to EnForm
This uses PHP5 built-in SoapClient
if(!defined("HSE_PATH")) define("HSE_PATH", str_replace("/utils/cw_soap","",dirname(__FILE__)));
class EnformSOAP {
private $wsdl = "";
private $soap;
public $lastError;
public $lastResult;
// constructor
function EnformSOAP(){
// disables WSDL cache while not testing
$ini = ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_enabled", $this->LIVE);
$this->soap = new SoapClient($this->wsdl,array('soap_version' => SOAP_1_1));
// generic SOAP call function
function Call($func,$params){
try {
$this->LastResult = $this->soap->{$func}($params);
catch (SoapFault $soapFault) {
// if you have trouble debugging a failed call, try doing a var_dump($soapFault) to see everything that comes back
$this->lastError = "SOAP Fault: (faultcode: {$soapFault->faultcode}, faultstring: {$soapFault->faultstring})";
$this->lastError .= "<br>Request : ".htmlentities($this->soap->__getLastRequest());
$this->lastError .= "<br>Response : ".htmlentities($this->soap->__getLastResponse());
return $this->LastResult->{$func."Result"};
// ************** main Enform functions ******************
function RegisterUserAndCourseCompletion($first, $last, $phone, $email, $addr, $city, $province, $country, $postal, $company, $position, $courseID, $mark, $modulesComplete){
$OptionalModules = array();
foreach ($modulesComplete as $mc)
$OptionalModules[] = new SoapVar($mc, XSD_STRING);
$param =array(
"firstName" => $first,
"lastName" => $last,
"enformID" => 0,
"eMail" => $email,
"province" => $province,
"address" => $addr,
"city" => $city,
"postalCode" => $postal,
"country" => $country,
"phoneNumber" => $username,
"company" => $company,
"position" => $position,
"key" => $this->auth,
"courseNumber" => $courseID,
"grade" => $mark,
"completedModules" => $modulesComplete
$result = $this->Call("CreateStudentAndRegisterCompletion",$param);
return $result->Success;//true or false
function RegisterCourseCompletion($enformID, $courseID, $mark, $modulesComplete){
$OptionalModules = array();
foreach ($modulesComplete as $mc)
$OptionalModules[] = new SoapVar($mc, XSD_STRING);
$param =array(
"enformID" => $enformID,
"key" => $this->auth,
"courseNumber" => $courseID,
"grade" => $mark,
"completedModules" => $modulesComplete
$result = $this->Call("RegisterCompletion",$param);
return $result->Success;//true or false
function UpdateStudent($enformID, $first, $last, $phone, $email, $addr, $city, $province, $country, $postal, $company, $position){
$param =array(
"firstName" => $first,
"lastName" => $last,
"enformID" => $enformID,
"eMail" => $email,
"province" => $province,
"address" => $addr,
"city" => $city,
"postalCode" => $postal,
"country" => $country,
"phoneNumber" => $username,
"company" => $company,
"position" => $position,
"key" => $this->auth
$result = $this->Call("UpdateStudent",$param);
return $result->Success; // true or false
function GetEnformID($first, $last, $postalCode)
$param =array(
"firstName" => $first,
"lastName" => $last,
"postalCode" => $postal,
"key" => $this->auth
$result = $this->Call("GetEnformID",$param);//-1 if not found, some number >0 otherwise
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