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var group2 = phage.selectAll(".fivehundredticks") |
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ticks = []; |
genome_positions = d3.range(d.genomelength); |
genome_positions.forEach(function (currentValue, index, myArray) { |
if (currentValue % 500 === 0 & currentValue % 1000 !== 0) { |
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var group3 = phage.selectAll(".onehundredticks") |
.data(function (d) { |
ticks = []; |
genome_positions = d3.range(d.genomelength); |
genome_positions.forEach(function (currentValue, index, myArray) { |
if (currentValue % 100 === 0 & currentValue % 1000 !== 0 & currentValue % 500 !== 0) { |
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if (d.direction == "forward") { |
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if (d.name % 2 === 0) { |
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