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Last active October 12, 2023 21:29
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Tesseract with Julia
import Meshes
using MeshViz
using GLMakie
using Makie
using Printf
# vectors obtained by changing signs of the given vectors
function changesOfSigns(vecs)
N = length(vecs[1])
signs = Iterators.product(ntuple(i -> (-1, 1), N)...)
return [[sign[i] * vec[i] for i in 1:N]
for vec in vecs for sign in signs
if all(vec[i] != 0 || sign[i] == 1 for i in eachindex(vec))]
# tesseract vertices
vertices = changesOfSigns([[1, 1, 1, 1]])
# tesseract edges
edges = Vector{Tuple{Int,Int}}(undef, 0)
for i in 1:(length(vertices)-1)
for j in (i+1):length(vertices)
if count(==(0), vertices[i] - vertices[j]) == 3
push!(edges, (i, j))
# rotation in 4D (right-isoclinic)
function rotate4d(alpha, beta, xi, vec)
a = cos(xi)
b = sin(alpha) * cos(beta) * sin(xi)
c = sin(alpha) * sin(beta) * sin(xi)
d = cos(alpha) * sin(xi)
x, y, z, w = vec
a * x - b * y - c * z - d * w,
a * y + b * x + c * w - d * z,
a * z - b * w + c * x + d * y,
a * w + b * z - c * y + d * x
# stereographic projection
function stereog(v)
sv = v[[1, 2, 3]] / (2 - v[4])
# rotated tesseract for given angle `xi`
function tesseract(xi)
# rotated and projected vertices
vs = [Meshes.Point(stereog(rotate4d(0, 0, xi, vertices[i]))) for i = 1:16]
## edges
function cylinder(edge)
P = vs[edge[1]]
Q = vs[edge[2]]
Meshes.CylinderSurface(P, Q, 0.08)
tubes = [cylinder(edge) for edge in edges]
function sphere(i)
Meshes.Sphere(vs[i], 0.1)
mesh = reduce(merge, tubes)
spheres = [Meshes.discretize(sphere(i), Meshes.RegularDiscretization(20)) for i in 1:16]
merge(mesh, reduce(merge, spheres))
# draw tesseract
function drawTesseract(nplots, alpha1, alpha2)
meshes = [tesseract(xi) for xi in LinRange(0, pi, nplots+1)[1:nplots]]
for i in 1:nplots
fig, ax, plt = MeshViz.viz( # invisible bounding box
Meshes.Box(Meshes.Point(-2, -2, -2), Meshes.Point(2, 2, 2));
alpha = 0
ax.show_axis = false
MeshViz.viz!(meshes[i]; color = :crimson)
Makie.scale!(ax.scene, 1.65, 1.65, 1.65)
Makie.rotate!(fig.scene, Meshes.Vec3f(1, 0, 0), alpha1)
Makie.rotate!(ax.scene, Meshes.Vec3f(0, 1, 0), alpha2)
png = @sprintf "zzpic%03d.png" i, fig)
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stla commented Oct 12, 2023


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