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Last active December 19, 2023 13:42
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Elliptic integrals with JavaScript - depends on math.js
Carlson elliptic integrals and incomplete elliptic integrals.
Author: Stéphane Laurent.
Depends on math.js <>.
var ellipticIntegrals = (function () {
let CarlsonRF = function(x, y, z, err) {
if(err <= 0) {
throw "The value of `err` must be nonnegative.";
let nzeros = math.equal(x, 0) + math.equal(y, 0) + math.equal(z, 0);
if(nzeros > 1) {
throw "At most one of `x`, `y`, `z` can be 0.";
let dx = 2 * err;
let dy = dx;
let dz = dx;
let A;
while(dx > err || dy > err || dz > err) {
let srx = math.sqrt(x);
let sry = math.sqrt(y);
let srz = math.sqrt(z);
let lambda = math.add(
math.multiply(srx, sry),
math.multiply(sry, srz),
math.multiply(srz, srx)
x = math.divide(math.add(x, lambda), 4);
y = math.divide(math.add(y, lambda), 4);
z = math.divide(math.add(z, lambda), 4);
A = math.divide(math.add(x, math.add(y, z)), 3);
dx = math.abs(math.divide(math.subtract(A, x), A));
dy = math.abs(math.divide(math.subtract(A, y), A));
dz = math.abs(math.divide(math.subtract(A, z), A));
let E2 = dx*dy + dy*dz + dz*dx;
let E3 = dy*dx*dz;
let h = 1 - E2/10 + E3/14 + E2*E2/24 - 3*E2*E3/44 - 5*E2*E2*E2/208
+ 3*E3*E3/104 + E2*E2*E3/16;
return math.divide(h, math.sqrt(A));
let CarlsonRD = function(x, y, z, err) {
if(err <= 0) {
throw "The value of `err` must be nonnegative.";
let nzeros = math.equal(x, 0) + math.equal(y, 0) + math.equal(z, 0);
if(nzeros > 1) {
throw "At most one of `x`, `y`, `z` can be 0.";
let dx = 2 * err;
let dy = dx;
let dz = dx;
let s = math.complex(0, 0);
let fac = 1;
let A;
while(dx > err || dy > err || dz > err) {
let srx = math.sqrt(x);
let sry = math.sqrt(y);
let srz = math.sqrt(z);
let lambda = math.add(
math.multiply(srx, sry),
math.multiply(sry, srz),
math.multiply(srz, srx)
s = math.add(
s, math.divide(fac, math.multiply(srz, math.add(z, lambda)))
fac /= 4;
x = math.divide(math.add(x, lambda), 4);
y = math.divide(math.add(y, lambda), 4);
z = math.divide(math.add(z, lambda), 4);
A = math.divide(math.add(x, math.add(y, math.multiply(3, z))), 5);
dx = math.abs(math.divide(math.subtract(A, x), A));
dy = math.abs(math.divide(math.subtract(A, y), A));
dz = math.abs(math.divide(math.subtract(A, z), A));
let E2 = dx*dy + 3*dy*dz + 3*dz*dz + 3*dx*dz;
let E3 = dz*dz*dz + 3*dx*dz*dz + 3*dx*dy*dz + 3*dy*dz*dz;
let E4 = dy*dz*dz*dz + dx*dz*dz*dz + 3*dx*dy*dz*dz;
let E5 = dx*dy*dz*dz*dz;
let h = fac * (1 - 3*E2/14 + E3/6 + 9*E2*E2/88 - 3*E4/22
- 9*E2*E3/52 + 3*E5/26 - E2*E2*E2/16 + 3*E3*E3/40
+ 3*E2*E4/20 + 45*E2*E2*E3/272 - 9*(E3*E4 + E2*E5)/68);
return math.add(
math.multiply(3, s), math.divide(h, math.multiply(A, math.sqrt(A)))
let CarlsonRJ = function(x, y, z, p, err) {
if(err <= 0) {
throw "The value of `err` must be nonnegative.";
let nzeros = math.equal(x, 0) + math.equal(y, 0) +
math.equal(z, 0) + math.equal(p, 0);
if(nzeros > 1) {
throw "At most one of `x`, `y`, `z`, `p` can be 0.";
let A0 = math.divide(
math.add(math.add(math.add(math.add(x, y), z), p), p), 5
let A = math.clone(A0);
let delta =
math.subtract(p, x), math.subtract(p, y)
math.subtract(p, z)
let M = Math.max(
math.abs(math.subtract(A, x)),
math.abs(math.subtract(A, y)),
math.abs(math.subtract(A, z))
let Q = Math.pow(4/err, 1/6) * M;
let d = [];
let e = [];
let f = 1;
let fac = 1;
while(math.abs(A) <= Q) {
let srx = math.sqrt(x);
let sry = math.sqrt(y);
let srz = math.sqrt(z);
let srp = math.sqrt(p);
let dnew = math.multiply(
math.add(srp, srx),
math.multiply(math.add(srp, sry), math.add(srp, srz))
d.push(math.multiply(f, dnew));
e.push(math.divide(math.multiply(fac, delta), math.square(dnew)));
f *= 4;
fac /= 64;
let lambda = math.add(
math.multiply(srx, sry),
math.multiply(sry, srz),
math.multiply(srz, srx)
x = math.divide(math.add(x, lambda), 4);
y = math.divide(math.add(y, lambda), 4);
z = math.divide(math.add(z, lambda), 4);
p = math.divide(math.add(p, lambda), 4);
A = math.divide(math.add(A, lambda), 4);
Q /= 4;
let fA = math.multiply(f, A);
let X = math.divide(math.subtract(A0, x), fA);
let Y = math.divide(math.subtract(A0, y), fA);
let Z = math.divide(math.subtract(A0, z), fA);
let P = math.divide(math.unaryMinus(math.add(math.add(X, Y), Z)), 2);
let P2 = math.square(P);
let E2 = math.subtract(
math.add(math.multiply(X, Y), math.multiply(Y, Z)), math.multiply(Z, X)
math.multiply(3, P2)
let E3 = math.add(
math.multiply(math.multiply(X, Y), Z),
math.multiply(math.add(math.multiply(2, E2), math.multiply(4, P2)), P)
let E4 = math.multiply(
math.multiply(2, math.multiply(math.multiply(X, Y), Z)),
math.multiply(P, math.add(E2, math.multiply(3, P2)))
let E5 = math.multiply(math.multiply(math.multiply(X, Y), Z), P2);
let h = math.divide(
math.subtract(1, math.divide(math.multiply(3, E2), 14)),
math.divide(E3, 6)
math.divide(math.multiply(math.multiply(9, E2), E2), 88)
math.divide(math.multiply(3, E4), 22)
math.divide(math.multiply(math.multiply(9, E2), E3), 52)
math.divide(math.multiply(3, E5), 26)
let s = math.complex(0, 0);
let one = math.complex(1, 0);
let n = e.length;
for(let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
let srei = math.sqrt(e[i]);
let a = math.equal(srei, 0) ? one : math.divide(math.atan(srei), srei);
s = math.add(s, math.divide(a, d[i]));
return math.add(
math.divide(h, math.multiply(A, math.sqrt(A))),
math.multiply(6, s)
let ellipticE = function(phi, m, err) {
let out;
let phi_r =;
let PI = Math.PI;
let PI_2 = PI / 2;
if(math.equal(phi, 0)) {
out = math.complex(0, 0);
} else if(phi_r >= -PI_2 && phi_r <= PI_2) {
if(math.equal(m, 0)) {
out = phi;
} else if(math.equal(m, 1)) {
out = math.sin(phi);
} else {
let sine = math.sin(phi);
let sine2 = math.square(sine);
let cosine2 = math.subtract(1, sine2);
let oneminusmsine2 = math.subtract(1, math.multiply(m, sine2));
out = math.multiply(
CarlsonRF(cosine2, oneminusmsine2, 1, err),
CarlsonRD(cosine2, oneminusmsine2, 1, err)
} else {
let k = phi_r > PI_2 ?
Math.ceil(phi_r/PI - 0.5) : -Math.floor(0.5 - phi_r/PI);
phi = math.subtract(phi, k*PI);
out = math.add(
math.multiply(2*k, ellipticE(PI_2, m, err)),
ellipticE(phi, m, err)
return out;
let isInf = function(x) {
return x === Infinity || x === -Infinity;
let ellipticF = function(phi, m, err) {
let out;
let phi_r =;
let phi_i =;
let m_r =;
let m_i =;
let PI = Math.PI;
let PI_2 = PI / 2;
if(math.equal(phi, 0) || isInf(m_r) || isInf(m_i)) {
out = math.complex(0,0);
} else if(
phi_r == 0 && isInf(phi_i) && m_i === 0 && m_r > 0 && m_r < 1
) {
let minv = 1 / m_r;
let msqrt = Math.sqrt(m_r);
out = math.subtract(
ellipticF(PI_2, m, err),
math.divide(ellipticF(PI_2, minv, err), msqrt)
if(phi_i < 0) {
out = math.unaryMinus(out);
} else if((phi_r === PI_2 || phi_r === -PI_2) && math.equal(m, 1)) {
out = math.complex(NaN, NaN);
} else if(phi_r >= -PI_2 && phi_r <= PI_2) {
if(math.equal(m, 1) && Math.abs(phi_r) < PI_2) {
out = math.asinh(math.tan(phi));
} else if(math.equal(m, 0)) {
out = phi;
} else {
let sine = math.sin(phi);
let sine2 = math.square(sine);
let cosine2 = math.subtract(1, sine2);
let oneminusmsine2 = math.subtract(1, math.multiply(m, sine2));
out = math.multiply(sine, CarlsonRF(cosine2, oneminusmsine2, 1, err));
} else {
let k = phi_r > PI_2 ?
Math.ceil(phi_r/PI - 0.5) : -Math.floor(0.5 - phi_r/PI);
phi = math.subtract(phi, k*PI);
out = math.add(
math.multiply(2*k, ellipticF(PI_2, m, err)),
ellipticF(phi, m, err)
return out;
let ellipticZ = function(phi, m, err) {
let out;
let phi_r =;
let m_r =;
let m_i =;
let PI = Math.PI;
let PI_2 = PI / 2;
if(isInf(m_r) && m_i === 0) {
out = math.complex(NaN, NaN);
} else if(math.equal(m, 1)) {
if(Math.abs(phi_r) <= PI_2) {
out = math.sin(phi);
} else {
let k = phi_r > PI_2 ?
Math.ceil(phi_r/PI - 0.5) : -Math.floor(0.5 - phi_r/PI);
phi = math.subtract(phi, k*PI);
out = math.sin(phi);
} else {
out = math.subtract(
ellipticE(phi, m, err),
ellipticE(PI_2, m, err),
ellipticF(PI_2, m, err)
ellipticF(phi, m, err)
return out;
let ellipticPI = function(phi, n, m, err) {
let out;
let phi_r =;
let phi_i =;
let m_r =;
let m_i =;
let n_r =;
let n_i =;
let PI = Math.PI;
let PI_2 = PI / 2;
let complete = math.equal(phi, PI_2);
math.equal(phi, 0) ||
(isInf(n_r) && n_i === 0) ||
(isInf(m_r) && m_i === 0)
) {
out = math.complex(0, 0);
} else if(complete && math.equal(m, 1) && n_r !== 1 && n_i === 0) {
out = math.complex(n_r > 1.0 ? -Infinity : Infinity, 0);
} else if(complete && math.equal(n, 1)) {
out = math.complex(NaN, NaN);
} else if(complete && math.equal(m, 0)) {
out = math.divide(PI_2, math.sqrt(math.subtract(1, n)));
} else if(complete && math.equal(n, m)) {
out = math.divide(ellipticE(PI_2, m, err), math.subtract(1, m));
} else if(complete && math.equal(n, 0)) {
out = ellipticF(PI_2, m, err);
} else if(phi_r >= -PI_2 && phi_r <= PI_2) {
let sine = math.sin(phi);
let sine2 = math.square(sine);
let cosine2 = math.subtract(1, sine2);
let oneminusmsine2 = math.subtract(1, math.multiply(m, sine2));
let oneminusnsine2 = math.subtract(1, math.multiply(n, sine2));
out = math.multiply(
CarlsonRF(cosine2, oneminusmsine2, 1, err),
math.multiply(n, sine2),
CarlsonRJ(cosine2, oneminusmsine2, 1, oneminusnsine2, err)
} else {
let k = phi_r > PI_2 ?
Math.ceil(phi_r/PI - 0.5) : -Math.floor(0.5 - phi_r/PI);
phi = math.subtract(phi, k*PI);
out = math.add(
math.multiply(2*k, ellipticPI(PI_2, n, m, err)),
ellipticPI(phi, n, m, err)
return out;
return {
CarlsonRF: CarlsonRF,
CarlsonRD: CarlsonRD,
CarlsonRJ: CarlsonRJ,
ellipticE: ellipticE,
ellipticF: ellipticF,
ellipticZ: ellipticZ,
ellipticPI: ellipticPI
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