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Last active September 23, 2023 08:03
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3D Steiner chain and Villarceau circles with POV-Ray
#version 3.7;
global_settings { assumed_gamma 1 }
#default { finish{ ambient 0.1 diffuse 0.9 }}
#include "" //
#include "" //
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
// Villarceau circles ----------------------------------------------------------
#macro villarceau(mu, a, c, theta, psi, epsilon)
#local b = sqrt(a*a-c*c);
#local bb = b*sqrt(mu*mu-c*c);
#local bb2 = b*b*(mu*mu-c*c);
#local denb1 = c*(a*c-mu*c+c*c-a*mu-bb);
#local b1 = (a*mu*(c-mu)*(a+c)-bb2+c*c+bb*(c*(a-mu+c)-2*a*mu))/denb1;
#local denb2 = c*(a*c-mu*c-c*c+a*mu+bb);
#local b2 = (a*mu*(c+mu)*(a-c)+bb2-c*c+bb*(c*(a-mu-c)+2*a*mu))/denb2;
#local omegaT = (b1+b2)/2;
#local d = (a-c)*(mu-c)+bb;
#local r = c*c*(mu-c)/((a+c)*(mu-c)+bb)/d;
#local R = c*c*(a-c)/((a-c)*(mu+c)+bb)/d;
#local omega2 = (a*mu + bb)/c;
#local sign = (epsilon > 0 ? 1 : -1);
#local f1 = -sqrt(R*R-r*r)*sin(theta);
#local f2 = sign*(r+R*cos(theta));
#local x1 = f1*cos(psi) + f2*sin(psi) + omegaT;
#local y1 = f1*sin(psi) - f2*cos(psi);
#local z1 = r*sin(theta);
#local den = pow(x1-omega2,2)+y1*y1+z1*z1;
< omega2 + (x1-omega2)/den, y1/den, z1/den >
#declare gold = texture {
pigment { BrightGold }
finish {
ambient .1
diffuse .1
reflection .25
specular 1
//brilliance 5
#macro vcircles(mu,a,c,n,r, shift)
#local psi = 2*i*pi/n;
#local A1 = villarceau(mu, a, c, 0, psi, 1);
#local B1 = villarceau(mu, a, c, 2, psi, 1);
#local C1 = villarceau(mu, a, c, 4, psi, 1);
Torus(A1, B1, C1, r, texture{gold}, shift)
#local A2 = villarceau(mu, a, c, 0, psi, -1);
#local B2 = villarceau(mu, a, c, 2, psi, -1);
#local C2 = villarceau(mu, a, c, 4, psi, -1);
Torus(A2, B2, C2, r, texture{gold}, shift)
// main macro; parameter -1 < phi < 1, phi /= 0 --------------------------------
#macro Steiner3D(n, phi, Center, Radius, Sphere, Ellipse, Cyclide, Villarceau, Depth, Sense)
#local Sign = (Sense>0 ? 1 : -1);
#local sine = sin(pi/n);
#local halfSide = Radius*sine; // side length of the n-gon
#local Coef = 1/(1+sine); // Radius/(Radius+halfSide)
#local invphi = 1/phi;
#macro inversion(M,R,C)
#local II = <invphi*R,0,0>; // inversion pole
#local k = R*R*(invphi*invphi-1); // negated inversion constant
#local IM = M - II - C;
II + C - k/vdot(IM, IM)*IM
//// ---------------- cyclide; notations Garnier & al ----------------- ////
// center of exterior sphere
#local O1 = <2*invphi*Radius,0,0>;
// interior sphere
#local SmallRadius = Coef*(Radius-halfSide);
#local p1 = inversion(<SmallRadius,0,0>, Radius, 0);
#local p2 = inversion(<0,SmallRadius,0>, Radius, 0);
#local p3 = inversion(<-SmallRadius,0,0>, Radius, 0);
#local p4 = inversion(<0,0,SmallRadius>, Radius, 0);
#local cs = circumsphere(p1, p2, p3, p4);
#local O2 = <cs.x, cs.y, cs.z>; // cs.z should be 0
#local r = cs.t;
#local O2 = inversion(<0,0,0>, Radius, 0);
#local r = 0;
// a and b are also used for the ellipse
#local c = -(O1.x - O2.x)/2;
#local a = (r + Radius)/2;
#local b = sqrt(a*a - c*c);
#local mu = Radius - a;
polynomial {4
xyz(2,0,0): -2*mu*mu + 2*b*b - 4*a*a,
xyz(1,0,0): 8*a*c*mu,
xyz(0,0,0): -4*c*c*mu*mu + mu*mu*mu*mu + b*b*b*b - 2*mu*mu*b*b,
xyz(0,2,0): -2*mu*mu - 2*b*b,
xyz(0,0,2): -2*mu*mu + 2*b*b,
xyz(2,2,0): 2,
xyz(2,0,2): 2,
xyz(0,2,2): 2,
xyz(4,0,0): 1,
xyz(0,4,0): 1,
xyz(0,0,4): 1
texture{ Glass }
translate Center + (O2-O1)/2
vcircles(mu, a, c, 25, 0.02, Center + (O2-O1)/2)
// ellipse -----------------------------------------------------------------
#local nbsegs=500;
sphere_sweep {
linear_spline 1+nbsegs
#local ui = 2*pi*i/nbsegs;
< a*cos(ui), b*sin(ui), 0 > 0.025
pigment{ Red }
translate Center + (O2-O1)/2
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#local shift = Sign*pi/90;
#local ChalfSide = Coef*halfSide;
#local CRadius = Coef*Radius;
#local i=1;
#local beta = 2*i*pi/n + frame_number*shift; // frame 1 to 180 or 180/n
#local pti = <CRadius*cos(beta), CRadius*sin(beta), 0> + Center;
#local p1 = inversion(<ChalfSide,0,0> + pti, Radius, Center);
#local p2 = inversion(<0,ChalfSide,0> + pti, Radius, Center);
#local p3 = inversion(<-ChalfSide,0,0> + pti, Radius, Center);
#local p4 = inversion(<0,0,ChalfSide> + pti, Radius, Center);
#local cs = circumsphere(p1, p2, p3, p4);
#local center = <cs.x, cs.y, 0> - O1;
#local r = cs.t;
sphere {
center, r
texture { Chrome_Metal }
finish {
ambient .1
// reflection 0.0
specular 1
roughness .1
Steiner3D(n, phi, center, r, 0, 0, Cyclide, 0, Depth-1, -Sense)
#local i = i+1;
// starting sphere ---------------------------------------------------------
sphere {
Center, Radius
texture {
finish {
ambient 0.7
reflection 0.0
specular 1
roughness 0.001
// "sky" -----------------------------------------------------------------------
sky_sphere {
pigment {
gradient <0,1,0>
color_map {
[0.00 rgb <0.00, 0.01, 0.05>]
[0.35 rgb <0.00, 0.00, 0.00>]
[0.65 rgb <0.00, 0.00, 0.00>]
[1.00 rgb <0.00, 0.01, 0.05>]
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#declare Center = <0,0,0>; // arbitrary in plane z=0
#declare Radius = 3; // arbitrary >0
// camera and light source -----------------------------------------------------
camera {
location <2, -8, -8>
look_at Center
angle 40
rotate <0,0,0>
light_source { <0, 0, -60> White }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#declare depth = 1;
Steiner3D(5, 0.4, Center, Radius, 0, 0, 0, 1, depth, 1)
/* ini file
Quality = 9
Antialias = on
Antialias_Threshold = 0.4
Antialias_Depth = 3
Antialias_Gamma = 1
Sampling_Method = 1
Jitter_Amount = 1
Bounding = on
Input_File_Name = HierarchicalSteinerChainVillarceau.pov
Height = 512
Width = 512
Initial_Frame = 1
Final_Frame = 36
Cyclic_Animation = on
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stla commented Sep 23, 2023


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