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Last active October 13, 2023 13:38
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Gyromesh (hyperbolic mesh) with Julia
import Meshes
using LinearAlgebra
using MeshViz
using GLMakie
using Makie
using Printf
# beta factor
function betaF(A, s)
1.0 / √(1 + LinearAlgebra.norm_sqr(A) / (s*s))
# gyroaddition
function gyroadd(A, B, s)
betaA = betaF(A, s)
betaB = betaF(B, s)
1 + (betaA / (1 + betaA)) * dot(A, B) / (s*s) + (1 - betaB) / betaB
) * A + B
# scalar gyromultiplication
function gyroscalar(r, A, s)
Anorm = norm(A)
(s / Anorm) * sinh(r * asinh(Anorm / s)) * A
# point of coordinate t on the gyroline (AB)
function gyroABt(A, B, t, s)
gyroadd(A, gyroscalar(t, gyroadd(-A, B, s), s), s)
# gyromidpoint
function gyromidpoint(A, B, s)
gyroABt(A, B, 0.5, s)
# gyrosegment
function gyrosegment(A, B, s; n=50)
A, B = Meshes.coordinates(A), Meshes.coordinates(B)
[Meshes.Point(gyroABt(A, B, t, s)) for t in LinRange(0, 1, n)]
# edge index (I don't remember what is it...)
function edgeindex(from, to, size)
row = min(from, to)
col = max(from, to)
Int(row * size - (row * (row + 1)) / 2 - (size - col))
# gyrosubdivision
function gyrosubdiv(s, vertices, triangles)
nv = length(vertices)
nt = length(triangles)
nvmax = Int(nv + (nv * (nv + 1)) / 2)
newvertices = fill([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], nvmax)
for i in 1:nv
newvertices[i] = vertices[i]
vcnt = nv
em = fill(-1, Int(nv * (nv + 1) / 2))
newtriangles = Vector{Tuple{Int,Int,Int}}(undef, 4 * nt)
for i in 1:nt
local ithis, iprev, inext
visited = Int[]
for j in 1:3
iprev = triangles[i][((j + 1) % 3) + 1]
ithis = triangles[i][j]
inext = triangles[i][(j % 3) + 1]
mindex = edgeindex(ithis, inext, nv)
enext = em[mindex]
if enext == -1
vcnt = vcnt + 1
enext = vcnt
em[mindex] = enext
mindex = edgeindex(iprev, ithis, nv)
eprev = em[mindex]
if eprev == -1
vcnt = vcnt + 1
eprev = vcnt
em[mindex] = eprev
newtriangles[(i-1)*4 + j] = (enext, ithis, eprev)
newvertices[enext] = in(enext, visited) ?
gyromidpoint(newvertices[enext], vertices[ithis], s) : vertices[ithis]
newvertices[eprev] = in(eprev, visited) ?
gyromidpoint(newvertices[eprev], vertices[ithis], s) : vertices[ithis]
push!(visited, enext, eprev)
newtriangles[(i-1)*4 + 4] = (
em[edgeindex(inext, iprev, nv)],
em[edgeindex(ithis, inext, nv)],
em[edgeindex(iprev, ithis, nv)]
return (vertices = newvertices[1:vcnt], triangles = newtriangles)
# gyrotriangle
function gyrotriangle(A, B, C, s; depth=3)
ABC = [Meshes.coordinates(A), Meshes.coordinates(B), Meshes.coordinates(C)]
triangle = (1, 2, 3)
if iseven(depth)
triangle = reverse(triangle)
subdiv = gyrosubdiv(s, ABC, [triangle])
for _ in 1:depth
subdiv = gyrosubdiv(s, subdiv...)
vertices = [Meshes.Point(v...) for v in subdiv.vertices]
connectivities = Meshes.connect.(subdiv.triangles, Meshes.Triangle)
Meshes.SimpleMesh(vertices, connectivities)
# edges of a mesh
function edgeslist(mesh)
topo = convert(Meshes.HalfEdgeTopology, Meshes.topology(mesh))
edges_map = Meshes.Boundary{1,0}(topo)
edges = [edges_map(i) for i in 1:Meshes.nfacets(topo)]
vertices = mesh.vertices
[(vertices[edge[1]], vertices[edge[2]]) for edge in edges]
# gyrotube, made of spheres
function gyrotube(A, B, s, radius; n = 200)
centers = gyrosegment(A, B, s; n = n)
spheres = [
Meshes.Sphere(ctr, radius), Meshes.RegularDiscretization(20)
for ctr in centers
reduce(Meshes.merge, spheres)
# merge duplicated vertices of a mesh
function gather(mesh)
# get mesh vertices
points = Meshes.vertices(mesh)
npoints = length(points)
# Boolean vector indicating the duplicated vertices
duplicated = fill(false, npoints)
# dictionary to map the old indices to the new indices
newindices = Dict{Int64,Int64}()
# initialize new indices
newindex = 1
# iterate over vertices
for index in 1:(npoints-1)
if !duplicated[index]
tail = points[(index+1):npoints]
duplicates = index .+ findall(==(points[index]), tail)
duplicated[duplicates] .= true
push!(duplicates, index)
for i in duplicates
newindices[i] = newindex
newindex = newindex + 1
# if the last vertex is not a duplicate, add it to the dictionary
if npoints ∉ keys(newindices) #!haskey(newindices, npoints)
newindices[npoints] = newindex
# get the faces
topo = convert(Meshes.HalfEdgeTopology, Meshes.topology(mesh))
∂₂₀ = Meshes.Boundary{2,0}(topo)
nfaces = Meshes.nelements(topo)
# vector to store the connectivities
connec = Vector{Meshes.Connectivity}(undef, 0)
# iterate over the faces
for f in 1:nfaces
face = ∂₂₀(f)
toconnect = [newindices[i] for i in face]
c = Meshes.connect(tuple(toconnect...))
push!(connec, c)
Meshes.SimpleMesh(points[.!duplicated], connec)
gyromesh(triangles, curvature, edgeradius; depth=2)
Gyromesh from a vector of triangles.
# Arguments
- `triangles`: vector made of vectors of three points
- `curvature`: hyperbolic curvature
- `edgeradius`: radius of the gyroedges (gyrotubes)
- `depth`: number of iterations
function gyromesh(triangles::Vector, curvature, edgeradius; depth = 2)
meshes = [
Meshes.SimpleMesh(tr, Meshes.connect.([(1, 2, 3)]))
for tr in triangles
mesh = gather(reduce(Meshes.merge, meshes))
edges = edgeslist(mesh)
gyroedges = [
gyrotube(edge[1], edge[2], curvature, edgeradius)
for edge in edges
gyrotriangles = [
gyrotriangle(tr..., curvature; depth=depth)
for tr in triangles
spheres = [
Meshes.discretize(Meshes.Sphere(pt, edgeradius*1.5))
for pt in Meshes.vertices(mesh)
(gyroedges = gyroedges, gyrotriangles = gyrotriangles, spheres = spheres)
gyromesh(m, curvature, edgeradius; depth=2)
Gyromesh from a triangle mesh.
# Arguments
- `m`: a triangle mesh
- `curvature`: hyperbolic curvature
- `edgeradius`: radius of the gyroedges
- `depth`: number of iterations
function gyromesh(m::Meshes.Mesh, curvature, edgeradius; depth = 2)
triangles = Meshes.vertices.(collect(m))
gyromesh(triangles, curvature, edgeradius; depth = depth)
# test ####
a = 1
p1 = Meshes.Point(a, -a, -a)
p2 = Meshes.Point(a, a, a)
p3 = Meshes.Point(-a, -a, a)
p4 = Meshes.Point(-a, a, -a)
mesh = Meshes.SimpleMesh(
[p1, p2, p3, p4],
Meshes.connect.([(1,2,3), (1,2,4), (1,3,4), (2,3,4)], Meshes.Triangle)
gmesh = gyromesh(mesh, 0.7, 0.01)
function draw(gmesh)
[MeshViz.viz!(gtriangle; color=:green) for gtriangle in gmesh.gyrotriangles]
[MeshViz.viz!(gedge; color=:yellow) for gedge in gmesh.gyroedges]
[MeshViz.viz!(sphere; color=:yellow) for sphere in gmesh.spheres]
return 0
MeshViz.viz(gmesh.gyrotriangles[1]; color = :green)
C0 = (1 + sqrt(5)) / 4
vertices = Meshes.Point.([
(0.5, 0.0, C0),
(0.5, 0.0, -C0),
(-0.5, 0.0, C0),
(-0.5, 0.0, -C0),
(C0, 0.5, 0.0),
(C0, -0.5, 0.0),
(-C0, 0.5, 0.0),
(-C0, -0.5, 0.0),
(0.0, C0, 0.5),
(0.0, C0, -0.5),
(0.0, -C0, 0.5),
(0.0, -C0, -0.5)
faces = map(f -> f .+ 1, [
[0, 2, 10],
[0, 10, 5],
[0, 5, 4],
[0, 4, 8],
[0, 8, 2],
[3, 1, 11],
[3, 11, 7],
[3, 7, 6],
[3, 6, 9],
[3, 9, 1],
[2, 6, 7],
[2, 7, 10],
[10, 7, 11],
[10, 11, 5],
[5, 11, 1],
[5, 1, 4],
[4, 1, 9],
[4, 9, 8],
[8, 9, 6],
[8, 6, 2]
triangles = [vertices[f] for f in faces]
icosahedron = Meshes.SimpleMesh(
vertices, Meshes.connect.([tuple(f...) for f in faces], Meshes.Triangle)
function drawGI(s, r, alpha1, alpha2)
gmesh = gyromesh(icosahedron, s, r)
unitsphere = Meshes.discretize(Meshes.Sphere((0, 0, 0), 1))
fig, ax, plt = MeshViz.viz( # invisible bounding sphere
unitsphere; alpha = 0
ax.show_axis = false
[MeshViz.viz!(gtriangle; color=:navy) for gtriangle in gmesh.gyrotriangles]
[MeshViz.viz!(gedge; color=:gold) for gedge in gmesh.gyroedges]
[MeshViz.viz!(sphere; color=:gold) for sphere in gmesh.spheres]
Makie.scale!(ax.scene, 1.75, 1.75, 1.75)
Makie.rotate!(fig.scene, Meshes.Vec3f(1, 0, 0), alpha1)
Makie.rotate!(ax.scene, Meshes.Vec3f(0, 0, 1), alpha2)"gyroIcosahedron.png", fig)
function animGI(nplots, r, alpha1, alpha2)
s_ = LinRange(0.6, 0.8, nplots)
for i in 1:nplots
gmesh = gyromesh(icosahedron, s_[i], r)
unitsphere = Meshes.discretize(Meshes.Sphere((0, 0, 0), 1))
fig, ax, plt = MeshViz.viz( # invisible bounding sphere
unitsphere; alpha = 0
ax.show_axis = false
[MeshViz.viz!(gtriangle; color=:navy) for gtriangle in gmesh.gyrotriangles]
[MeshViz.viz!(gedge; color=:gold) for gedge in gmesh.gyroedges]
[MeshViz.viz!(sphere; color=:gold) for sphere in gmesh.spheres]
Makie.scale!(ax.scene, 1.75, 1.75, 1.75)
Makie.rotate!(fig.scene, Meshes.Vec3f(1, 0, 0), alpha1)
Makie.rotate!(ax.scene, Meshes.Vec3f(0, 0, 1), alpha2)
png = @sprintf "zzpic%03d.png" i, fig)
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stla commented Oct 13, 2023


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stla commented Oct 13, 2023


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