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Created September 8, 2013 19:27
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Short RStudio presentation v0
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<hgroup class="auto-fadein">
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<slide class="" id="slide-1" style="background:;">
<li>Edit YAML front matter</li>
<li>Write using R Markdown</li>
<li>Use an empty line followed by three dashes to separate slides!</li>
<!-- Presenter Notes -->
<slide class="class" id="id" style="background:;">
<!-- Presenter Notes -->
<slide class="" id="slide-3">
<h2>C&#39;est quoi, RStudio ?</h2>
<hr noshade size=4 color='red'>
<div class='left' style='float:left;width:48%'>
<p>Une interface pour R:</p>
<p><img src="rstudio-windows.png" alt="rstudio-windows" style="width: 500px;"/></p>
<div class='right' style='float:right;width:48%'>
<p>Qu&#39;a-t-elle de particulier ?</p>
<li><p>Conviviale </p></li>
<li><p>Intègre le package <code>knitr</code>: génère des rapports dynamiques en </p>
<slide class="" id="slide-4" style="background:;">
<h2>Exemple: fichier de sortie</h2>
<!-- Presenter Notes -->
<slide class="" id="slide-5">
<h2>En \(\LaTeX\)</h2>
<hr noshade size=4 color='red'>
<div class='left' style='float:left;width:48%'>
<p>Fichier source:</p>
<iframe src="latexsource.html"></iframe>
<div class='right' style='float:right;width:48%'>
<p>Fichier pdf de sortie: </p>
<p><embed src="latexsource.pdf" width="500" height="450" type="application/pdf"></p>
<slide class="" id="slide-6">
<h2>En Markdown</h2>
<hr noshade size=4 color='red'>
<div class='left' style='float:left;width:48%'>
<p>Fichier source:</p>
<p><embed src="markdownsource0.html" height="340" width="500"></p>
<p>Avec <code>pandoc</code>, conversion possible en:
html, docx, odt, \(\LaTeX\), ...</p>
<div class='right' style='float:right;width:48%'>
<p>Fichier html de sortie:</p>
<p><embed src="markdownsource.html" width="500" height="450"></p>
<slide class="" id="slide-7" style="background:;">
<h2>En html</h2>
<p>Fichier source:</p>
<iframe src="htmlsource.html" width="500" height="450"></iframe>
<!-- Presenter Notes -->
<slide class="" id="slide-8" style="background:;">
<h1>Inclure du code</h1>
<pre><code class="r">library(ggplot2)
ggplot(data = PlantGrowth, aes(x = group, y = weight, fill = group)) + geom_boxplot()
<p><img src="figure/unnamed-chunk-1.png" alt="plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1"> </p>
<!-- Presenter Notes -->
<slide class="" id="slide-9">
<h2>Inclure du code R</h2>
<hr noshade size=4 color='red'>
<div class='left' style='float:left;width:48%'>
<p><em>RStudio: cliquer sur</em> <code>Insert Chunk</code></p>
<iframe src="Rmarkdownsource0.html" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless"></iframe>
<div class='right' style='float:right;width:48%'>
<iframe src="markdownsource.html" seamless="seamless"></iframe>
<slide class="" id="slide-10">
<h2>Inclure du code SAS</h2>
<hr noshade size=4 color='red'>
<div class='left' style='float:left;width:48%'>
<iframe src="sassource00.html" scrolling="no"></iframe>
<div class='right' style='float:right;width:48%'>
<p><embed src="sassource0.html" width="500" height="500"></p>
<slide class="backdrop"></slide>
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