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Last active February 28, 2024 15:03
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insertWith <- function(f, mp, key, value) {
if(key %in% names(mp)) {
mp[[key]] <- f(value, mp[[key]])
} else {
mp[[key]] <- value
drop <- function(n, x) {
tail(x, max(length(x) - n, 0L))
lrMult <- function(mu, nu) {
add <- function(old, lambda) {
insertWith(`+`, old, toString(lambda), 1L)
Reduce(add, addMu(mu, nu), init = list())
addMu <- function(mu, part) {
go <- function(ubs, mms, dds, part) {
if(length(mms) == 0L) {
} else {
d <- dds[1L]
ds <- dds[-1L]
ms <- mms[-1L]
L <- addRowOf(ubs, part)
LL <- lapply(L, function(x) {
ubsprime <- x[[1L]]
partprime <- x[[2L]]
go(drop(d, ubsprime), ms, ds, partprime)
}), LL)
ubs0 <- headOrZero(part) + seq_len(headOrZero(mu))
dmu <- diffSeq(mu)
go(ubs0, mu, dmu, part)
addRowOf <- function(pcols, part) {
go <- function(lb, ububs, p, ncols) {
if(length(ububs) == 0L) {
list(list(rev(ncols), p))
} else {
ub <- ububs[1L]
ubs <- ububs[-1L]
LL <- lapply(newBoxes(lb + 1L, ub, p), function(ij) {
col <- ij[2L]
go(col, ubs, addBox(ij, p), c(col, ncols))
}), LL)
go(0L, pcols, part, integer(0L))
newBoxes <- function(lb, ub, part) {
go <- function(i, jjs, lp) {
if(length(jjs) == 0L) {
if(lb <= 1L && 1L <= ub && lp > 0L) {
list(c(i, 1L))
} else {
} else {
j <- jjs[1L]
js <- jjs[-1L]
j1 <- j + 1L
if(j1 < lb) {
} else if(j1 <= ub && lp > j) {
c(list(c(i, j1)), go(i + 1L, js, j))
} else {
go(i + 1L, js, j)
rev(go(1L, part, headOrZero(part) + 1L))
addBox <- function(kl, part) {
k <- kl[1L]
go <- function(i, pps) {
if(length(pps) == 0L) {
if(i == k) {
} else {
stop("addBox: shouldn't happen")
} else {
p <- pps[1L]
ps <- pps[-1L]
if(i == k) {
c(p + 1L, ps)
} else {
c(p, go(i + 1L, ps))
go(1L, part)
headOrZero <- function(xs) {
if(length(xs) == 0L) {
} else {
diffSeq <- function(x) {
diff(-c(x, 0L))
mu <- c(2L, 1L)
nu <- c(3L, 2L, 1L)
pr <- lrMult(mu, nu)
s_mu <- SchurPolCPP(4, mu)
s_nu <- SchurPolCPP(4, nu)
smu_times_snu <- s_mu * s_nu
sterms <- lapply(names(pr), function(part) {
lambda <- as.integer(strsplit(part, ",")[[1L]])
pr[[part]] * SchurPolCPP(4, lambda)
ss <- Reduce(`+`, sterms)
ss == smu_times_snu
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