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Last active February 28, 2022 12:25
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Griddip (truncated icosidodecahedron) with rgl (R)
rotation4Dplane <- function(axis1, axis2, theta, vector){
# axes must be normalized
vx <- sum(vector*axis1)
vy <- sum(vector*axis2)
cos_theta <- cos(theta)
sin_theta <- sin(theta)
coef1 <- vx*cos_theta - vy*sin_theta
coef2 <- vy*cos_theta + vx*sin_theta
pvector <- vx*axis1 + vy*axis2
coef1*axis1 + coef2*axis2 + (vector-pvector)
#~~~~ truncated icosidodecahedron with edge length 2*phi-2 ~~~~#
phi <- (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2
vs0 <- rbind(
c( 1/phi, 1/phi, 3+phi ),
c( 2/phi, phi, 1+2*phi ),
c( 1/phi, phi^2, -1+3*phi ),
c( 2*phi-1, 2, 2+phi ),
c( phi, 3, 2*phi )
# changes of sign
vs1 <- gyro::changesOfSign(vs0)
# even permutations
vs2 <- rbind(
vs1, vs1[, c(3L, 1L, 2L)], vs1[, c(2L, 3L, 1L)]
# Cartesian product with a segment
vertices <- rbind(
cbind(vs2, -phi+1),
cbind(vs2, phi-1)
summary(apply(vertices, 1L, crossprod)) # all equal
r <- sqrt(c(crossprod(vertices[1L, ])))
# hull
hull <- cxhull(vertices, triangulate = FALSE)
cells <- hull[["facets"]]
ridges <- hull[["ridges"]]
# cubic cells
cubicCells <- Filter(function(f) length(f[["vertices"]]) == 8, cells)
# squares and their edges
goodRidges <-, lapply(cubicCells, `[[`, "ridges"))
polygonize <- function(edges){ # function which orders the vertices
nedges <- nrow(edges)
indices <- edges[1L, ]
i <- indices[2L]
edges <- edges[-1L, ]
for(. in 1L:(nedges-2L)){
j <- which(apply(edges, 1L, function(e) i %in% e))
i <- edges[j, ][which(edges[j, ] != i)]
indices <- c(indices, i)
edges <- edges[-j, ]
squares <- t(vapply(
function(r) polygonize(ridges[[r]][["edges"]]), integer(4L)
edges <-
apply(squares, 1L, function(x){
cbind(x, c(x[-1L], x[1L]))
}, simplify = FALSE)
edges <- t(apply(edges, 1L, sort))
edges <- edges[!duplicated(edges), ]
# Stereographic-like projection
sproj <- function(v, r){
acos(v[4]/r) / (r^4 - v[4L]^4)^(1/4) * v[1L:3L]
# rotated and projected vertices
verts3D <- function(xi){
rpoints <- apply(vertices, 1L, function(v){
rotation4Dplane(c(1, 0, 0, 0), c(0, 1, 0, 0), xi, v)
t(apply(rpoints, 2L, function(point) sproj(point, r)))
# rgl ####
xi_ <- seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = 121L)[-1L]
open3d(windowRect = c(50, 50, 562, 562), zoom = 0.65)
bg3d(rgb(54, 57, 64, maxColorValue = 255))
for(j in seq_along(xi_)){
spheres3d(0, 0, 0, radius = 2, alpha = 0) # bounding sphere
points <- verts3D(xi_[j])
for(i in 1L:nrow(squares)){
quads3d(points[squares[i, ], ], color = "darkorange")
for(i in 1L:nrow(edges)){
edge <- edges[i, ]
points[edge[1L], ],
points[edge[2L], ]
radius = 0.02, sides = 60L
), color = "gold")
spheres3d(points, radius = 0.03, color = "gold")
rgl.snapshot(sprintf("zzz_griddip%03d.png", j))
# make GIF ####
pngs <- list.files(pattern = "^zzz_griddip")
gif_file = "griddip.gif",
width = 512, height = 512,
delay = 1/10,
loop = TRUE
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