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Created June 15, 2011 16:02
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YUI2 local JSON complex parse with DataTable
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>YUI DataTable Example</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var loader = new YAHOO.util.YUILoader({
require: [ 'reset', 'fonts', 'base', "datatable", "datasource", "json", "yahoo", "dom", "event" ],
loadOptional: true,
// The function to call when all script/css resources have been loaded
onSuccess: function() {
// Aliases for YUI placeholders
var YDom = YAHOO.util.Dom,
YUtil = YAHOO.util,
YEvent = YAHOO.util.Event,
YLang = YAHOO.lang;
YAHOO.util.Event.onDOMReady( function() {
// Define the JSON "string"
var JSONString = '{"myResults":[{ "color_no" : "1", "color_code" : "#0000ff", "cname" : "Blue" }, { "child_to_use" : "2", "sub_child":[ { "blank":""}, { "blank":""}, {"color_no" : "2", "color_code" : "#ff6347", "cname" : "Tomato" }] }, { "color_no" : "13", "color_code" : "#98fb98", "cname" : "PaleGreen" }, { "color_no" : "4", "color_code" : "#ffd700", "cname" : "Gold" } ]}';
* The JSON object actually is this ...
"child_to_use" : "2",
"sub_child":[ // we only want to use sub_child[2] in our data ...
// YOU DON'T HAVE TO PARSE the JSON, DS is smart enought to know the difference !!!
// Now parse the JSON string to make a local JSON object ...
// var JSONObj = YAHOO.lang.JSON.parse(JSONString);
var myDS = new YAHOO.util.LocalDataSource( JSONString );
myDS.responseType = YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_JSON;
myDS.responseSchema = {
resultsList:'myResults', // This is CRUCIAL if you use TYPE_JSON ...
fields : [ {key:"color_no", parser:"number"}, "color_code", "cname" ]
myDS.doBeforeParseData = function( oReq, oFullResp, oCB ) {
// on entry, oFullResp contains a JS array (after JSON parsing the "raw" JSON string ...)
var newFullResp = { myResults:[] }; // create an empty JS return object array
// Loop thru the results array, convert our "sub_child" member if encountered
for(var i=0; i<oFullResp.myResults.length; i++) {
var arow = oFullResp.myResults[i];
if ( YLang.hasOwnProperty( arow, 'sub_child') && arow.child_to_use )
newFullResp.myResults.push( arow.sub_child[ arow.child_to_use] ); // only come here if sub_child exists
newFullResp.myResults.push( arow ); // otherwise just append the row
// Return the "modified" response object
return newFullResp;
var myCols = [
{ key: "color_no", label: "Id", sortable:true },
{ key: "color_code", label: "Hex Code", sortable:true },
{ key: "cname", label: "CSS Color Name", sortable:true }
var myDT = new YAHOO.widget.DataTable( "divTable", myCols, myDS );
timeout: 5000,
combine: true
<body class='yui-skin-sam'>
<h1>YUI DataTable Example - Local JSON with complex data</h1>
<div id="divTable"></div>
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