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Created July 21, 2011 21:43
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YUI2 DT example with conditional dropdowns
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>YUI DataTable Example</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var loader = new YAHOO.util.YUILoader({
require: [ 'reset', 'fonts', 'base', "datatable", "datasource", "yahoo-dom-event" ],
loadOptional: true,
// The function to call when all script/css resources have been loaded
onSuccess: function() {
// Aliases for YUI placeholders
var YDom = YAHOO.util.Dom,
YUtil = YAHOO.util,
YEvent = YAHOO.util.Event,
YLang = YAHOO.lang,
YConnect = YUtil.Connect;
YEvent.onDOMReady( function() {
// Define an array that contains all of our available inventory
var retail = [
{ Frame: "BW1", Image:"bw1.jpg", Desc:'1 1/2" Barnwood .....',
Sizes: [
{ value:1, label:'3 1/2" x 5"', price:13.0},
{ value:2, label:'4" x 6"', price:14.0},
{ value:3, label:'24" x 30"', price:55.0}
{ Frame: "BW2", Image:"bw2.jpg", Desc:'2 1/4" Barnwood .....',
{ value:1, label:'3 1/2" x 5"', price:14.0 },
{ value:2, label:'4" x 6"', price:15.0 },
{ value:3, label:'5" x 7"', price:16.0 },
{ value:4, label:'8" x 10"', price:24.0 }
// ... other frame size objects follow here ....
// Now define a "DISPLAY" array, that we will use with DataTable to
// for presentation and price browsing ...
// ... this array has only three members;
// frame, image, desc
var frameTableData = [];
for(var i=0; i<retail.length; i++)
frameTableData.push( { frame:retail[i].Frame, image:retail[i].Image, desc:retail[i].Desc } );
// Populate the DS
var myDS = new YAHOO.util.LocalDataSource( frameTableData, {
responseType : YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_JSARRAY,
responseSchema : {
fields : [ 'frame', 'image', 'desc' ]
} );
// Custom formatter, to create a "dropdown-like" cell but allowing
// for different "options" based upon the "frame" column setting
var sizeFormatter = function(el, oRec, oCol, oData) {
var oFrame = oRec.getData('frame'),
opts = [];
// find which "frame" is associated with this record,
// and locate it in the "retail" array ...
for (var i=0; i<retail.length; i++)
if ( retail[i].Frame === oFrame ) opts = retail[i].Sizes;
// if we found the "frame" and we remembered to define .Sizes,
// then simply call YUI's formatDropdown formatter with the proper dropdownOptions
if ( opts.length > 0 ) {
oCol.dropdownOptions = [ { value:0, label:'Choose a Size'} ].concat(opts);
YAHOO.widget.DataTable.formatDropdown(el, oRec, oCol, oData);
} else
el.innerHTML = 'unknown'; // only get here if we forgot to define a .Sizes member ...
// Define the DT columns, using 3 bound fields from RecordSet and 2 dummy columns
var myCols = [
{ key:"frame", label:"Frame", sortable:true },
{ key:"image", label:"Image" },
{ key:"desc", label:"Description", sortable:true },
{ key:"size", label:"Sizes", formatter:sizeFormatter, dropdownOptions:[] }, // a dummy column, not connected to the RecordSet
{ key:"price", label:"Price" } // another dummy column, not connected to the RecordSet
var myDT = new YAHOO.widget.DataTable( "divTable", myCols, myDS );
// Function that fires on select change,
// updates the 'price' column of the DT after searching the "retail" array ...
var sizeChanger = function(evt) {
var tar = YEvent.getTarget(evt),
oRec = myDT.getRecord(tar),
oFrame = oRec.getData('frame'),
selIndex = tar.selectedIndex,
selValue = tar.value,
price = null;
// Search through and find which 'frame' was set for the target record
if ( selIndex !== 0 ) {
for (var i=0; i<retail.length; i++)
if ( retail[i].Frame === oFrame ) price = retail[i].Sizes[ selIndex-1 ].price;
var fmt_price = ( price !== null ) ? YAHOO.util.Number.format( price, { prefix:'$ ', decimalPlaces:2 } ) : '' ;
// Now update the column 'price' with the selected price ...
myDT.updateCell( oRec, myDT.getColumn('price'), fmt_price );
// We can set one listener to detect changes to select's on myDT,
// that will fire the sizeChanger function above
YEvent.delegate( myDT.getTbodyEl(), "change", sizeChanger, "select" );
timeout: 3000,
combine: true
<body class='yui-skin-sam'>
<h1>YUI DataTable Example - Local JSARRAY data</h1>
<div id="divTable"></div>
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