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Last active May 19, 2019 22:48
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Save stlukey/0a6d844c2a42c32e7dac564ed3d438a7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. - Minimal ORM for Mongodb
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Minimal ORM for Mongodb
Example usage:
:author: Luke Southam <>
import os
class ValidationError(Exception):
def not_provided(cls, key):
return cls("'{}' not provided.".format(key))
def make_spec(schema, **kwargs):
Generate spec from schema and values.
:param schema: list of spec keys
:param kwargs: spec keys and values
:return: spec dict
# A _id value must be given if in schema.
if '_id' in schema and kwargs.get('_id') is None:
raise ValidationError.not_provided('_id')
spec = dict()
for k in schema:
# Support for embedded documents.
if isinstance(k, dict):
for embedded, fields in k.items():
if kwargs.get(embedded) is not None:
spec[embedded] = make_spec(fields, **kwargs[embedded])
# Only add item if a value is given.
elif kwargs.get(k) is not None:
spec[k] = kwargs[k]
# Allow lookup by ObjectID
if '_id' in kwargs:
spec['_id'] = kwargs['_id']
return spec
class Document(object):
Mongodb document management.
Inherit from this and set:
_collection: The mongodb collection (from pymongo)
_schema: The collection schema (list of fields)
_check: List of fields that must have values when inserted.
_format_new: ran on spec before a new document is inserted (staticmethod)
# spec = make_spec
spec = classmethod(lambda cls, **kwargs: make_spec(cls._schema, **kwargs))
_check = []
def new(cls, **kwargs):
Insert new document.
:param kwargs: values
:return: Document instance
kwargs = cls._format_new(**kwargs)
except KeyError as e:
raise ValidationError.not_provided(e.args[0])
for field in cls._check:
if field not in kwargs:
raise ValidationError.not_provided(field)
spec = cls.spec(**kwargs)
_id = cls._collection.insert(spec)
return cls(_id)
def _format_new(**kwargs):
return kwargs
def __init__(self, _id=None, _doc=None, **kwargs):
if _doc is not None:
self._doc = _doc
if _id is not None:
kwargs['_id'] = _id
spec = self.spec(**kwargs)
self._doc = self._collection.find_one(spec)
def find(cls, _sort=False, **kwargs):
spec = cls.spec(**kwargs)
docs = cls._collection.find(spec)
if _sort:
docs = docs.sort(*_sort)
return [cls(doc['_id']) for doc in docs]
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self._doc[item]
def id(self):
return self._doc['_id']
def update(self, set_=None):
if set_ is None:
set_ = self._doc
res = self._collection.update(
{'$set': set_}
self._doc = self.__class__(
return res
def exists(self) :
return self._doc is not None
def __iter__(self):
for k, v in self._doc.items():
yield k, v
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