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Last active August 4, 2022 19:59 - Sudoku solving Evolutionary Algorithm.
#!/usr/bin/env python2
Sudoku solving Evolutionary Algorithm.
Usage: pypy <sudoku-file> <population-size>
Please make sure you execute using PyPy 2.7
from __future__ import print_function
from operator import itemgetter
import random
import copy
# Parameters
# Range is set to a variable to alternate between range and xrange.
# (for switching python versions)
r = xrange
# range(len(x)) helper.
rl = lambda l: r(len(l))
# Unknown squares are 'X'.
X = None
def print_sudoku(s):
"""Print a sudoku."""
for i in rl(s):
for j in rl(s[0]):
# Use '0' to represent unknowns.
v = s[i][j] if s[i][j] != X else 0
print(v, end=',')
if j + 1 == len(s[0]):
if (i % 3) == 2:
elif (j % 3) == 2:
print(' ', end='')
# Calculate uniqueness value.
uniqueness = lambda values: len(set(values))
# Get coordinates of flipped rows to squares grid.
get_pos = lambda row, column: (
3*(row//3) + (column//3),
3*(row%3) + (column%3)
# Flip grid rows to columns.
flip_rows_columns = lambda grid: map(list, zip(*grid))
def flip_rows_squares(grid):
"""Flip rows to squares."""
flipped = [[0 for _ in range(9)] for _ in range(9)]
for i in range(9):
for j in range(9):
x, y = get_pos(i, j)
flipped[x][y] = grid[i][j]
return flipped
def create_chromosome(sudoku):
"""Create an individual solution."""
content, numbers = copy.deepcopy(sudoku), set(r(1, 10))
for i in r(9):
unknown = numbers ^ set(filter(None, sudoku[i]))
for j in r(9):
if content[i][j] is X:
new = random.sample(unknown, 1)[0]
content[i][j] = new
return content
# Evaluation function. Uses uniqueness of rows, columns and squares.
evaluate = lambda chromosome: sum([
uniqueness(chromosome[i]) +
uniqueness(flip_rows_columns(chromosome)[i]) +
for i in r(9)
# Choose best rows from parents.
crossover_best = lambda a, b: list(
a[i] if uniqueness(a[i]) > uniqueness(b[i]) else
b[i] for i in r(9)
def recombine(*parents):
"""Recombination operator."""
# First child is best squares.
yield flip_rows_squares(crossover_best(*map(flip_rows_squares, parents)))
# Second child is best rows or columns.
yield crossover_best(*parents) if random.random() >= 0.5 else\
flip_rows_columns(crossover_best(*map(flip_rows_columns, parents)))
def mutate(chromosome, fixed_points):
"""Mutation operator."""
choice = random.randrange(3)
# Swap on row.
if choice == 0:
new = chromosome
index = random.randrange(9)
row = new[index]
a = random.randrange(9)
while (index, a) in fixed_points:
a = random.randrange(9)
b = random.randrange(9)
while (index, b) in fixed_points or a == b:
b = random.randrange(9)
new[index][a], new[index][b] = new[index][b], new[index][a]
# Swap on column.
if choice == 1:
new = chromosome
index = random.randrange(9)
a = random.randrange(9)
while (index, a) in fixed_points:
a = random.randrange(9)
b = random.randrange(9)
while (index, b) in fixed_points or a == b:
b = random.randrange(9)
new[a][index], new[b][index] = new[b][index], new[a][index]
# Swap on square.
if choice == 2:
squares = flip_rows_squares(chromosome)
indexes = range(9)
for i in indexes:
a, b = None, None
other_indexes = range(9)
for j in other_indexes:
if get_pos(i, j) not in fixed_points:
a = j
if a is None:
for j in other_indexes:
if get_pos(i, j) not in fixed_points and a != b:
b = j
if b is None:
squares[i][a], squares[i][b] = squares[i][b], squares[i][a]
squares = squares
return flip_rows_squares(squares)
return new
def fixed_points(sudoku):
"""Generator for coordinates of fixed points."""
for i in rl(sudoku):
for j in rl(sudoku[i]):
if sudoku[i][j] != X:
yield (i, j)
def from_char(c):
"""Convert char to int, if numerical otherwise None."""
return int(c)
except ValueError:
return X
def from_file(filename):
"""Opens file, and returns the sudoku grid.
(auto closes using with statement)"""
with open(filename) as f:
return [
map(from_char, l.replace('!', ''))
for l in f.readlines()
if not l.startswith('-')
MAX_FITNESS = 9 * 9 * 3
# Convert chromosome into hashable format (and back again) for use in sets.
make_hashable = lambda chromosome: tuple(map(tuple, chromosome))
make_unhashable = lambda chromosome: list(map(list, chromosome))
def select(pop, k=3):
"""Turnament selection"""
l = random.sample(pop, k)
return max(l, key=itemgetter(0))[1]
def evolve(sudoko, population_size=DEFAULT_POPULATION_SIZE):
"""The main evolutionary algorithm."""
# Grab the fixed points.
fixed = tuple(fixed_points(sudoko))
# Initialise unique and random population.
population = []
while len(population) != population_size:
ch = create_chromosome(sudoko)
if ch not in population:
# Evaluate population.
# Converts `population` to -> [(fitness, chromosome)...]
population = sorted(
zip(map(evaluate, population), population),
# Store the best chromosomes found.
best_set = {make_hashable(population[0][1])}
best_set_all_time = {make_hashable(population[0][1])}
passes = 0
max_ = population[0][0]
while population[0][0] < MAX_FITNESS:
# Select parents.
mating_pool = [
c for f, c in population
for _ in r(int(population[-1][0] * 1.5) - f)
# Recombine parents.
new_chromosomes = []
for i in r(len(population) // 2):
a, b = select(population), select(population) #random.choice(mating_pool), random.choice(mating_pool)
map(new_chromosomes.append, recombine(a, b))
# Select.
# Keep previous best.
new = new_chromosomes + [population[0][1]]
super_mutation = (population_size > 500 and passes == 300) or\
(population_size <= 500 and passes >= 1000 and population_size >= 100)
# Aggressive and none aggressive super mutations.
if super_mutation or (population_size < 100 and passes == 3000):
new = map(
if len(best_set) > population_size
else len(best_set)
# Mutate.
for i in rl(new):
if random.random() > MUTATION_RATE:
new[i] = mutate(new[i], fixed)
# Evaluate
fitness = map(evaluate, new)
best = max(fitness)
if best > max_:
print("%.3f %%" % ((100.0 / MAX_FITNESS) * best))
max_ = best
passes = 0
passes += 1
population = sorted(
zip(fitness, new),
# If file is executed grab arguments and run evolve.
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
puzzle = from_file(sys.argv[1])
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
population = int(sys.argv[2])
evolve(puzzle, population)
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