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Last active March 12, 2019 03:27
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#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <Wire.h>
/* sum of ASCII codepoints in 'GGA', 'GLL', etc. */
#define GGA 207
#define GLL 223
#define GSA 219
#define GSV 240
#define RMC 226
#define VTG 241
/* Configuration constants. */
uint8_t imuAddress = 0x68; // 0b0110_1000;
const int rxPin = 9;
const int txPin = 12; // unused
const int recBtn = 8;
const int actLed = 7;
const int fixLed = 6;
const int recLed = 5;
const float accelerometer_scale = (2.0*9.81);
const float gyro_scale = 250.0;
template <typename T>
struct Vector3 {
T x;
T y;
T z;
Vector3() : x(), y(), z() {};
Vector3(T x, T y, T z) : x(x), y(y), z(z) {};
T magn();
T dot(const Vector3<T> &rhs);
template<typename Other>
Vector3<T> operator+ (const Vector3<Other> &rhs);
template<typename Other>
Vector3<T> operator- (const Vector3<Other> &rhs);
template<typename Other>
Vector3<T> operator* (const Other rhs);
template<typename Other>
Vector3<T> operator/ (const Other rhs);
template<typename Other>
Vector3<T>& operator+= (const Vector3<Other> &rhs);
template<typename Other>
Vector3<T>& operator-= (const Vector3<Other> &rhs);
template<typename Other>
Vector3<T>& operator*= (const Other rhs);
template<typename Other>
Vector3<T>& operator/= (const Other rhs);
void dumpToSerial();
template<typename T>
T Vector3<T>::magn() {
return sqrt((x*x) + (y*y) + (z*z));
template<typename T>
T Vector3<T>::dot(const Vector3<T> &rhs) {
return (
(this->x * rhs.x) +
(this->y * rhs.y) +
(this->z * rhs.z)
template <typename T>
template <typename Other>
Vector3<T> Vector3<T>::operator+(const Vector3<Other> &rhs) {
return Vector3<T>(
this->x + rhs.x,
this->y + rhs.y,
this->z + rhs.z
template <typename T>
template <typename Other>
Vector3<T> Vector3<T>::operator-(const Vector3<Other> &rhs) {
return Vector3<T>(
this->x - rhs.x,
this->y - rhs.y,
this->z - rhs.z
template <typename T>
template <typename Other>
Vector3<T> Vector3<T>::operator*(const Other rhs) {
return Vector3<T>(
this->x * rhs,
this->y * rhs,
this->z * rhs
template <typename T>
template <typename Other>
Vector3<T> Vector3<T>::operator/(const Other rhs) {
return Vector3<T>(
this->x / rhs,
this->y / rhs,
this->z / rhs
template <typename T>
template <typename Other>
Vector3<T>& Vector3<T>::operator+=(const Vector3<Other> &rhs) {
this->x += rhs.x;
this->y += rhs.y;
this->z += rhs.z;
return *this;
template <typename T>
template <typename Other>
Vector3<T>& Vector3<T>::operator-=(const Vector3<Other> &rhs) {
this->x -= rhs.x;
this->y -= rhs.y;
this->z -= rhs.z;
return *this;
template <typename T>
template <typename Other>
Vector3<T>& Vector3<T>::operator*=(const Other rhs) {
this->x *= rhs.x;
this->y *= rhs.y;
this->z *= rhs.z;
return *this;
template <typename T>
template <typename Other>
Vector3<T>& Vector3<T>::operator/=(const Other rhs) {
this->x /= rhs.x;
this->y /= rhs.y;
this->z /= rhs.z;
return *this;
template <typename T>
void Vector3<T>::dumpToSerial() {
Serial.print("X: ");
Serial.print(" | Y: ");
Serial.print(" | Z: ");
typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) imuData {
int16_t acc_x;
int16_t acc_y;
int16_t acc_z;
int16_t temp;
int16_t gyro_x;
int16_t gyro_y;
int16_t gyro_z;
} imuData;
typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) readingFrame {
uint8_t size;
uint8_t reserved[3];
float calib_x;
float calib_y;
float calib_z;
float acc_x;
float acc_y;
float acc_z;
float gyro_x;
float gyro_y;
float gyro_z;
float utc_seconds;
float latitude;
float longitude;
float altitude;
* bit 0 = GPS validity flag
* bit 1 = latitude N/S (1 = N)
* bit 2 = longitude E/W (1 = E)
uint8_t flags;
uint8_t checksum; // XOR of all previous bytes
} readingFrame;
readingFrame curData;
/* GPS reception status */
char cur_nmea_msg[82];
int cur_recv_idx = -1; // -1 = no message being received
unsigned long last_msg_time = -1;
int utc_hours = 0;
int utc_minutes = 0;
float utc_seconds = 0.0;
SoftwareSerial gpsSerial(rxPin, txPin);
/* IMU state */
imuData imuBuffer;
Vector3<float> raw_acc;
Vector3<float> raw_avel;
Vector3<float> cur_acc;
Vector3<float> cur_avel;
Vector3<float> calibration_acc;
Vector3<float> calibration_avel;
size_t calibration_count = 0;
char* nmea_value(char *cur) {
// skip past initial commas and spaces to the next data element
while (*cur == ',' || *cur == ' ') {
return cur;
char* next_field(char *cur) {
// Find the next comma or CR
while (*cur != ',' && *cur != 0x0D) {
// Find the start of the next data value
while (*cur != ' ' && *cur != ',') {
return cur+1;
float read_decimal_number(char* cur) {
int whole = 0;
int frac = 0;
int n_frac_digits = 0;
float out = 0;
while (*cur != '.' && isDigit(*cur)) {
whole = (whole * 10) + (*cur - '0');
if (*cur == 0x0D || *cur == 0x0A) {
return (float)whole;
while (isDigit(*cur)) {
frac = (frac * 10) + (*cur - '0');
out = (float)whole;
if (frac > 0) {
out += (float)frac / (float)n_frac_digits;
return out;
int read_digits(char *cur, int n) {
int out = 0;
while(n-- > 0 && isDigit(*cur)) {
out = (out * 10) + (*cur++ - '0');
return out;
void print_gps_data() {
Serial.print("UTC time: ");
if (utc_seconds < 10) {
Serial.print("Latitude: ");
Serial.println((curData.flags & (1<<1)) > 0 ? " N" : " S");
Serial.print("Longitude: ");
Serial.println((curData.flags & (1<<2)) > 0 ? " E" : " W");
Serial.print("Altitude: ");
Serial.println("m MSL");
Serial.print("Data Valid: ");
Serial.println((curData.flags & 1) > 0 ? "Yes" : "No");
void handle_gga_msg() {
* message data in order:
* 1. UTC time (hhmmss.sss)
* 2. Latitude (ddmm.mmmm)
* 3. North / South indicator (N/S)
* 4. Longitude (dddmm.mmmm)
* 5. East / West indicator (E/W)
* 6. Position fix indicator
* 7. # of satellites used
* 8. Horizontal Dilution of Precision
* 9. MSL altitude (m)
// read in UTC time:
char* cur_value = next_field(cur_nmea_msg);
utc_hours = read_digits(cur_value, 2);
utc_minutes = read_digits(cur_value+2, 2);
utc_seconds = read_decimal_number(cur_value+4);
curData.flags = 0;
curData.utc_seconds = (3600 * utc_hours) + (60 * utc_minutes) + utc_seconds;
// Read latitude
cur_value = next_field(cur_value);
curData.latitude = read_decimal_number(cur_value) / 100.0f;
// Read N/S indicator
cur_value = next_field(cur_value);
curData.flags |= (*cur_value == 'N') ? (1<<1) : 0;
// Read longitude
cur_value = next_field(cur_value);
curData.longitude = read_decimal_number(cur_value) / 1000.0f;
// Read E/W indicator
cur_value = next_field(cur_value);
curData.flags |= (*cur_value == 'E') ? (1<<2) : 0;
// read position fix validity indicator
cur_value = next_field(cur_value);
int fix_status = read_digits(cur_value, 1);
curData.flags |= (fix_status > 0) ? 1 : 0;
// skip number of satellites used
cur_value = next_field(cur_value);
// skip HDOP
cur_value = next_field(cur_value);
// read MSL altitude
cur_value = next_field(cur_value);
curData.altitude = read_decimal_number(cur_value);
//Serial.println("\nReceived GGA message.");
void handle_gll_msg() {
* message data in order:
* 1. UTC time (hhmmss.sss)
* 2. Latitude (ddmm.mmmm)
* 3. North / South indicator (N/S)
* 4. Longitude (dddmm.mmmm)
* 5. East / West indicator (E/W)
* 6. Position fix indicator
* 7. # of satellites used
* 8. Horizontal Dilution of Precision
* 9. MSL altitude (m)
curData.flags = 0;
// Read latitude
char* cur_value = next_field(cur_nmea_msg);
curData.latitude = read_decimal_number(cur_value) / 100.0f;
// Read N/S indicator
cur_value = next_field(cur_value);
curData.flags |= (*cur_value == 'N') ? (1<<1) : 0;
// Read longitude
cur_value = next_field(cur_value);
curData.longitude = read_decimal_number(cur_value) / 1000.0f;
// Read E/W indicator
cur_value = next_field(cur_value);
curData.flags |= (*cur_value == 'E') ? (1<<2) : 0;
// read UTC time
cur_value = next_field(cur_value);
utc_hours = read_digits(cur_value, 2);
utc_minutes = read_digits(cur_value+2, 2);
utc_seconds = read_decimal_number(cur_value+4);
curData.utc_seconds = (utc_hours * 3600) + (utc_minutes * 60) + utc_seconds;
// read fix status
cur_value = next_field(cur_value);
curData.flags |= (*cur_value == 'A') ? 1 : 0;
//Serial.println("\nReceived GLL message.");
void handle_nmea_msg() {
int ident = cur_nmea_msg[3] + cur_nmea_msg[4] + cur_nmea_msg[5];
if (ident == GGA) {
last_msg_time = millis();
return handle_gga_msg();
} else if (ident == GLL) {
last_msg_time = millis();
return handle_gll_msg();
void imuRead(byte regAddr, size_t len, uint8_t* out_buf) {
Wire.requestFrom(imuAddress, len);
for (size_t i=0;i<len;i+=2) {
// we receive values MSB-first, so we need to account for that
out_buf[i+1] =;
out_buf[i] =;
void imuWrite(byte regAddr, size_t len, uint8_t* in_buf) {
Wire.write(in_buf, len);
void transmitReadingFrame(readingFrame* frame) {
frame->size = sizeof(readingFrame);
frame->checksum = 0;
uint8_t* rawBytes = (uint8_t*)frame;
for (size_t i=0;i<sizeof(readingFrame)-1;i++) {
frame->checksum ^= rawBytes[i];
Serial.write(rawBytes, sizeof(readingFrame));
void setup() {
pinMode(rxPin, INPUT);
pinMode(txPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(recBtn, INPUT);
pinMode(actLed, OUTPUT);
pinMode(fixLed, OUTPUT);
pinMode(recLed, OUTPUT);
uint8_t power_cmd[] = { 0x00, 0x00 };
imuWrite(108, 2, power_cmd);
void loop() {
digitalWrite(actLed, LOW);
imuRead(59, 14, (uint8_t*)&imuBuffer);
raw_acc.x = ((float)imuBuffer.acc_x / 32768.0) * accelerometer_scale;
raw_acc.y = ((float)imuBuffer.acc_y / 32768.0) * accelerometer_scale;
raw_acc.z = ((float)imuBuffer.acc_z / 32768.0) * accelerometer_scale;
raw_avel.x = ((float)imuBuffer.gyro_x / 32768.0) * gyro_scale;
raw_avel.y = ((float)imuBuffer.gyro_y / 32768.0) * gyro_scale;
raw_avel.z = ((float)imuBuffer.gyro_z / 32768.0) * gyro_scale;
if (millis() < 500) {
calibration_acc += (raw_acc - calibration_acc);
calibration_avel += (raw_avel - calibration_avel) / (float)calibration_count;
curData.calib_x = calibration_acc.x;
curData.calib_y = calibration_acc.y;
curData.calib_z = calibration_acc.z;
digitalWrite(actLed, HIGH);
} else {
cur_acc = raw_acc - calibration_acc;
cur_avel = raw_avel - calibration_avel;
curData.acc_x = cur_acc.x;
curData.acc_y = cur_acc.y;
curData.acc_z = cur_acc.z;
curData.gyro_x = cur_avel.x;
curData.gyro_y = cur_avel.y;
curData.gyro_z = cur_avel.z;
while (gpsSerial.available() > 0) {
char inByte =;
if (inByte == '$') {
cur_recv_idx = 0;
for (size_t i=0;i<82;i++) {
cur_nmea_msg[i] = 0;
if (cur_recv_idx >= 0) {
if(inByte == 0x0D || inByte == 0x0A) {
cur_nmea_msg[cur_recv_idx] = '\0';
cur_recv_idx = -1;
if (curData.flags & 1) {
digitalWrite(fixLed, HIGH);
} else {
digitalWrite(fixLed, LOW);
} else {
cur_nmea_msg[cur_recv_idx++] = inByte;
digitalWrite(actLed, HIGH);
if ((millis() - last_msg_time) < 60) {
digitalWrite(actLed, HIGH);
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