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Last active March 25, 2021 20:20
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Yet another hoverslam script for kOS. Only works in vacuum.
declare function print_line {
parameter text.
parameter y.
print text:padright(terminal:width) at (0, y).
declare function fmt_number {
parameter n.
return round(n, 2):tostring:padleft(7).
list parts in partList.
set lp to 0. //lowest part height
set hp to 0. //hightest part height
for p in partList {
set cp to facing:vector * p:position.
if cp < lp
set lp to cp.
else if cp > hp
set hp to cp.
set height to hp - lp.
lock true_radar_alt to alt:radar - height.
lock asl_target to (ship:altitude - true_radar_alt) + 50.
print "Target altitude: " + round(asl_target, 2) + "m".
lock avail_acc to ship:availablethrust / ship:mass.
lock vsrf to ship:velocity:surface.
lock v_vert_srf to (vsrf * ship:up:vector) / ship:up:vector:mag. // Vertical velocity in surface frame
lock vec_horiz_srf to vectorexclude(ship:up:vector, vsrf). // Horizontal velocity in surface frame
lock v_horiz_srf to vec_horiz_srf:mag.
if alt:radar > 10000 {
print "Waiting for < 10k altitude...".
wait until alt:radar < 10000.
if v_vert_srf > -5 {
print "Waiting for negative vertical velocity...".
wait until v_vert_srf < -5.
print "Initiating hoverslam.".
sas off.
rcs off.
set navmode to "surface".
// Steer to opposite of horizontal component of velocity:
lock steering to -vec_horiz_srf.
lock steering_angle_err to vectorangle(ship:facing:vector, -vec_horiz_srf).
lock throttle to 0.0.
until steering_angle_err < 5.0 {
print_line("Waiting for steering...", 0).
print_line("Angle error = " + fmt_number(steering_angle_err) + " degrees", 1).
wait 0.
// Cancel horizontal velocity:
lock throttle to 1.0.
until abs(v_horiz_srf) < 0.75 {
print_line("Killing horizontal velocity...", 0).
print_line("Current surface hvel = " + fmt_number(v_horiz_srf) + " m/s", 1).
wait 0.
lock throttle to 0.0.
// Do the actual burn:
lock dist_to_target to ship:altitude - asl_target.
lock cur_grav_acc to ship:body:mu / ((ship:altitude + ship:body:radius)^2).
lock cur_net_acc to avail_acc - cur_grav_acc.
lock cur_burn_time to abs(v_vert_srf) / cur_net_acc.
lock cur_burn_distance to (v_vert_srf * cur_burn_time) + (0.5 * cur_net_acc * (cur_burn_time^2)).
lock burn_start_target to asl_target + abs(cur_burn_distance).
lock distance_to_burn to ship:altitude - burn_start_target.
set burn_started to false.
until abs(v_vert_srf) < 2.5 and true_radar_alt < 100 {
print ("Descending - target altitude = " + fmt_number(asl_target) + " m ASL"):padright(terminal:width) at (0, 0).
print_line(" Distance to target altitude : " + fmt_number(dist_to_target) + " m", 2).
print_line(" Available engine acc. : " + fmt_number(avail_acc) + " m/s^2", 3).
print_line(" Current grav. acc : " + fmt_number(cur_grav_acc) + " m/s^2", 4).
print_line(" Burn net acceleration : " + fmt_number(cur_net_acc) + " m/s^2", 5).
print_line(" Burn time : " + fmt_number(cur_burn_time) + " seconds", 7).
print_line(" Burn distance : " + fmt_number(cur_burn_distance) + " m", 8).
if not burn_started {
print_line(" Distance to burn : " + fmt_number(distance_to_burn) + " m", 10).
if distance_to_burn >= 10 {
lock throttle to 0.0.
print_line("Starting burn in " + fmt_number(distance_to_burn / abs(v_vert_srf)) + " seconds...", 11).
} else {
lock throttle to 1.0.
lights on.
set burn_started to true.
} else {
lock throttle to 1.0.
print_line(" Vertical velocity : " + fmt_number(v_vert_srf) + " m/s", 10).
print_line(" Altitude : " + fmt_number(true_radar_alt) + " m", 11).
print_line("Burning.", 12).
wait 0.
// Final descent - attempt to limit downwards velocity to between -1.25 and -2.5 m/s until we hit the ground:
lock steering to ship:up.
lock target_throttle to (ship:mass * cur_grav_acc) / ship:availablethrust.
legs on.
until true_radar_alt < 0.5 {
print_line("Final descent - radar altitude = " + fmt_number(true_radar_alt) + " m", 0).
print_line("Vertical velocity: " + fmt_number(v_vert_srf) + " m/s", 1).
if v_vert_srf < -2.5 {
lock throttle to 1.0.
} else if v_vert_srf < -1.25 { // v_vert_srf is between -2.5 and -1.25 m/s
lock throttle to target_throttle.
} else { // v_vert_srf is >= -1.25 m/s
lock throttle to 0.
wait 0.
unlock throttle.
set ship:control:pilotmainthrottle to 0.
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