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Created December 20, 2021 17:48
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Apache Log4j2 Remote Code Execution (RCE) Vulnerability - CVE-2021-44228 - ESA-2021-31 emergency patch script for Windows
# Copied and tweaked from to add
# backing up of jar
# To run it, ensure your execution policy is set correctly, paste the file anywhere you want it to check for
# log4j (This will check subfolders) and just call Remove-JndiLookup from your favourite powershell window.
# Note that the script isn't especially clever, running it on your machine doesn't guarantee that you're no longer
# vulnerable to log4shell, just that JndiLookup.class has been removed from any found instance of log4j-core-2.*.jar
# Zero warranty is provided, you use this entirely at your own risk.
function Remove-JndiLookup
[string] $FilenameToRemove
# Instantiate the .Net namespace
add-type -AssemblyName 'System.IO.Compression.filesystem'
"The number of files to be processed is: $($JarFiles.Count) -"
# List the files we're about to process, useful if the user wants to double check
# them later
foreach ($JarFile in $JarFiles)
"`nStarting patching/removal process"
$processedFiles = 0;
$skippedFiles = 0;
# Remove unwanted files
foreach ($JarFile in $JarFiles)
"`nBacking up $JarFile"
cp "$JarFile" "$JarFile.bak"
# Open the jar for updating (.jar files are just .zip files)
$ProcessJarFile = [io.compression.zipfile]::Open($JarFile,'Update')
"`Checking $JarFile for $FilenameToRemove"
$totalFilesInJar = ($ProcessJarFile.Entries | Where FullName -Match $FilenameToRemove).Count
if($totalFilesInJar -gt 0) {
"Deleting unwanted file $FilenameToRemove from $JarFile"
($ProcessJarFile.Entries | Where FullName -Match $FilenameToRemove).Delete()
else {
"File $FilenameToRemove not found inside $JarFile, this may have already been deleted."
# Clean up / close the zip
"`n$processedFiles file(s) processed`n$skippedFiles file(s) skipped`n`nFinished."
(Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path (Get-Location) -Filter 'log4j-core-2.*.jar' -File).FullName
Remove-JndiLookup -JarFiles (Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path (Get-Location) -Filter 'log4j-core-2.*.jar' -File).FullName -FilenameToRemove 'JndiLookup.class'
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