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Created June 16, 2015 02:30
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Phoenix template url list not rendering

So I know that the general logic of my code works because I used Enum.fetch! @images, 0 and it did correctly render the image in my instagram.html.eex template.

images = 
 In my template I have this line:
 <% IO.inspect @images %>
which correctly prints what is expected:

This line correctly shows the first image in the images list of URLs:

<img src="<%= Enum.fetch!(@images, 0) %>">

However, this line:

<%= @images |> fn(image) -> IO.puts "<img src='" <> image <> "' height='150px'>" end %>

Gives me an error saying that only lists of lists or binaries work.

Does anything look suspicious in my map? I want to map across the list and essentially print <img src="<%= image_url %>"> for each.

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