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Last active May 26, 2016 20:59
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data.these in elm
import Html exposing (..)
type These a b
= This a
| That b
| Both a b
| Neither
toThese : Maybe a -> Maybe a -> These a a
toThese x y =
case x of
Just x ->
case y of
Just y ->
Both x y
Nothing ->
This x
Nothing ->
case y of
Just y ->
That y
Nothing ->
map : (a -> b) -> These a a -> These b b
map f these =
case these of
This x ->
This (f x)
That y ->
That (f y)
Both x y ->
Both (f x) (f y)
Neither ->
mapThis : (a -> a) -> These a a -> These a a
mapThis f these =
case these of
This x ->
This (f x)
Both x y ->
Both (f x) y
_ ->
mapThat : (a -> a) -> These a a -> These a a
mapThat f these =
case these of
That x ->
That (f x)
Both x y ->
Both x (f y)
_ ->
andThen : These a a -> (Maybe a -> Maybe a -> These b b) -> These b b
andThen these f =
case these of
This x ->
f (Just x) Nothing
That y ->
f Nothing (Just y)
Both x y ->
f (Just x) (Just y)
Neither ->
toBoth : Maybe number -> Maybe number -> These number number
toBoth x y =
toThese x x
this42 =
toThese (Just 42) Nothing
this3 =
toThese (Just 3) Nothing
that3 =
toThese Nothing (Just 3)
both3 =
toThese (Just 3) (Just 3)
neither3 =
toThese Nothing Nothing
type alias Person =
{ name: String
, age: These Int String
tom = Person "Tom" (That "unknown")
sue = Person "Sue" (This 12)
max = Person "Max" (Both 20 "more or less")
main =
patternMatching person =
case person.age of
This x -> ++ " is " ++ toString x
That y -> ++ "'s age is " ++ y
Both x y -> ++ " is " ++ toString x ++ " " ++ y
Neither ->
div []
[ asList
[ this3
, that3
, both3
, mapThis ((*) -1) both3
, mapThat ((*) -1) both3
, map ((*) -1) both3
, neither3
, this42 `andThen` toBoth
, br [] []
, p [] [ text (patternMatching tom)]
, p [] [ text (patternMatching sue)]
, p [] [ text (patternMatching max)]
asList list =
|> mapToLi
|> ul []
mapToLi list =
|> (toString)
|> (\x -> [ text x ])
|> (li [])
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