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Created March 31, 2022 13:24
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  • Save stoefln/9c0c783745c7c899b2ed37ad6643476a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save stoefln/9c0c783745c7c899b2ed37ad6643476a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
repeato-studio git:(feature/test-cases-for-build) npm run test:build
> Repeato@1.0.0-beta.26 test:build /Users/steph/Workspace/repeato-studio
> cross-env NODE_ENV=development cross-env TEST_BUILD=true npx playwright test --config=app/test/config/default.config.js
Using config at /Users/steph/Workspace/repeato-studio/app/test/config/default.config.js
DeletingDir app/test/temp/emptyWorkspace
Using UI Store at app/test/temp/emptyWorkspace/ui-database.rpt
DeletingDir app/test/temp/emptyWorkspace
Using UI Store at app/test/temp/emptyWorkspace/ui-database.rpt
Running 11 tests using 1 worker
Parsing Electron app in /Users/steph/Workspace/repeato-studio/dist/mac-arm64
Found Windows => 1
Found Windows => 2
Found Windows => 2
Found Windows => 3
Found Windows => 3
Found Windows => 3
Returning Desired Page => Repeato
✓ App.test.js:18:1 › Verify worker window (5ms)
isVisible: false,
id: 1,
title: 'Worker thread',
isDevToolsOpened: false,
isCrashed: false
✓ App.test.js:27:1 › Verify loading window (3ms)
isVisible: true,
id: 2,
title: 'Repeato loading...',
isDevToolsOpened: false,
isCrashed: false
✓ App.test.js:36:1 › Verify main window (2s)
isVisible: true,
id: 3,
title: 'Repeato',
isDevToolsOpened: false,
isCrashed: false
DeletingDir app/test/temp/emptyWorkspace
Using UI Store at app/test/temp/emptyWorkspace/ui-database.rpt
Parsing Electron app in /Users/steph/Workspace/repeato-studio/dist/mac-arm64
Found Windows => 1
Found Windows => 1
Found Windows => 2
Found Windows => 2
Found Windows => 3
Found Windows => 3
Found Windows => 3
Returning Desired Page => Repeato
✓ Test.test.js:32:3 › Test related tests › Create a new test and save it (9s)
DeletingDir app/test/temp/basicWorkspace
Using UI Store at app/test/temp/basicWorkspace/ui-database.rpt
TryingToLoadWorkSpace app/test/temp/basicWorkspace
✘ Test.test.js:65:3 › Test related tests › Duplicate test (0ms)
DeletingDir app/test/temp/basicWorkspace
Using UI Store at app/test/temp/basicWorkspace/ui-database.rpt
TryingToLoadWorkSpace app/test/temp/basicWorkspace
- Test.test.js:74:3 › Test related tests › Delete test
- Test.test.js:86:3 › Test related tests › Edit test and save it
- Test.test.js:107:3 › Test related tests › Rename test
- Test.test.js:119:3 › Test related tests › Export test run pdf
DeletingDir app/test/temp/emptyWorkspace
Using UI Store at app/test/temp/emptyWorkspace/ui-database.rpt
Parsing Electron app in /Users/steph/Workspace/repeato-studio/dist/mac-arm64
Found Windows => 1
Found Windows => 1
Found Windows => 2
Found Windows => 2
Found Windows => 3
Found Windows => 3
Found Windows => 3
Returning Desired Page => Repeato
✓ Test.test.js:65:3 › Test related tests › Duplicate test (retry #1) (4s)
DeletingDir app/test/temp/basicWorkspace
Using UI Store at app/test/temp/basicWorkspace/ui-database.rpt
TryingToLoadWorkSpace app/test/temp/basicWorkspace
✓ Test.test.js:74:3 › Test related tests › Delete test (retry #1) (3s)
DeletingDir app/test/temp/basicWorkspace
Using UI Store at app/test/temp/basicWorkspace/ui-database.rpt
TryingToLoadWorkSpace app/test/temp/basicWorkspace
✓ Test.test.js:86:3 › Test related tests › Edit test and save it (retry #1) (6s)
DeletingDir app/test/temp/basicWorkspace
Using UI Store at app/test/temp/basicWorkspace/ui-database.rpt
TryingToLoadWorkSpace app/test/temp/basicWorkspace
✓ Test.test.js:107:3 › Test related tests › Rename test (retry #1) (4s)
DeletingDir app/test/temp/basicWorkspace
Using UI Store at app/test/temp/basicWorkspace/ui-database.rpt
TryingToLoadWorkSpace app/test/temp/basicWorkspace
✓ Test.test.js:119:3 › Test related tests › Export test run pdf (retry #1) (9s)
DeletingDir app/test/temp/basicWorkspace
Using UI Store at app/test/temp/basicWorkspace/ui-database.rpt
TryingToLoadWorkSpace app/test/temp/basicWorkspace
DeletingDir app/test/temp/emptyWorkspace
Using UI Store at app/test/temp/emptyWorkspace/ui-database.rpt
Parsing Electron app in /Users/steph/Workspace/repeato-studio/dist/mac-arm64
Found Windows => 1
Found Windows => 1
Found Windows => 2
Found Windows => 2
Found Windows => 3
Found Windows => 3
Found Windows => 3
Returning Desired Page => Repeato
✓ Workspace.test.js:23:3 › Workspace tests › Create new workspace (3s)
✓ Workspace.test.js:44:3 › Workspace tests › Checkout to workspace (600ms)
DeletingDir app/test/temp/basicWorkspace
Using UI Store at app/test/temp/basicWorkspace/ui-database.rpt
Timeout of 100000ms exceeded in afterAll hook.
at Workspace.test.js:18
16 | })
17 |
> 18 | test.afterAll(async () => {
| ^
19 | await context.tracing.stop({ path: 'app/test/test-output/tracing/' })
20 | await electronApp.close()
21 | })
at /Users/steph/Workspace/repeato-studio/app/test/e2e/Workspace.test.js:18:8
1) Test.test.js:65:3 › Test related tests › Duplicate test =======================================
Timeout of 100000ms exceeded in afterAll hook.
24 | })
25 |
> 26 | test.afterAll(async () => {
| ^
27 | await context.tracing.stop({ path: 'app/test/test-output/tracing/' })
28 | await electronApp.close()
29 | })
at /Users/steph/Workspace/repeato-studio/app/test/e2e/Test.test.js:26:8
Slow test file: Test.test.js (34s)
Consider splitting slow test files to speed up parallel execution
1 flaky
Test.test.js:65:3 › Test related tests › Duplicate test ========================================
10 passed (5m)
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! Repeato@1.0.0-beta.26 test:build: `cross-env NODE_ENV=development cross-env TEST_BUILD=true npx playwright test --config=app/test/config/default.config.js`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the Repeato@1.0.0-beta.26 test:build script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! /Users/steph/.npm/_logs/2022-03-31T10_19_02_679Z-debug.log
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