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Created March 19, 2023 18:08
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A couple of ChatGPT bookmarklets to summarize text from the current page, or generate text
/* jshint -W028 */
// bookmarklets to summarize the shown webpage.
// replace XXXInsertAPIKeyHereXXX with your API key to use these bookmarklets.
// this summarizes the text on the page. (We might have to cut it down to 3000 words, because the API has a limit of 3000 words.)
javascript:(async () => {
var apikey = "XXXInsertAPIKeyHereXXX";
const maxwordcount = 2500;
try {
var text = window.getSelection().toString().trim() || document.body.innerText;
var message = "Bitte fasse den folgenden Text auf Deutsch zusammen:\n\n" + text;
var shortenedmsg = "";
if (message.split(" ").length > maxwordcount) {
const words = message.split(" ");
const middle = Math.floor(words.length / 2);
const start = middle - maxwordcount / 2;
const end = middle + maxwordcount / 2;
const placeholder = " ... ";
words.splice(start, end - start, placeholder);
message = words.join(" ");
shortenedmsg = "(Shortened from " + wordcount + " to 3000 words.)\n\n";
const t = await fetch("", {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + apikey,
"Content-Type": "application/json"
body: JSON.stringify({model: "gpt-3.5-turbo", "messages": [{"role": "user", "content": message}]})
}), e = await t.json();
alert(shortenedmsg + => t.message.content));
} catch (error) {
alert(`Error: ${error}`);
// This allows asking questions about the text on the page. (We might have to cut it down to 3000 words, because the API has a limit of 3000 words.)
// The prompt should be something like "What is a xyzzy in the following text:" or "What are the reasons xyzzy is employed? Consider the following text:"
javascript:(async () => {
var apikey = "XXXInsertAPIKeyHereXXX";
const maxwordcount = 2500;
const promptprefix = prompt("Frage in Bezug auf die Selektion oder den Seitentext; es wird 'Diese Frage bezieht sich auf den folgendem Text:' und dann der Text angehaengt. Bei Texten über 3000 Worte muss das Mittelsegment entfernt werden.", "Was sind die neuen oder überraschenden Informationen an folgendem Text?");
var shortenedmsg = "";
var text = window.getSelection().toString().trim() || document.body.innerText;
var message = promptprefix + " Diese Frage bezieht sich auf den folgendem Text:\n\n" + text;
var wordcount = message.split(" ").length;
if (maxwordcount > 3000) {
const words = message.split(" ");
const middle = Math.floor(words.length / 2);
const start = middle - maxwordcount / 2;
const end = middle + maxwordcount / 2;
const placeholder = " ... ";
words.splice(start, end - start, placeholder);
message = words.join(" ");
shortenedmsg = "(Shortened from " + wordcount + " to 3000 words.)\n\n";
try {
const t = await fetch("", {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + apikey,
"Content-Type": "application/json"
body: JSON.stringify({model: "gpt-3.5-turbo", "messages": [{"role": "user", "content": message}]})
}), e = await t.json();
alert(shortenedmsg + => t.message.content));
} catch (error) {
alert(`Error: ${error}`);
/** Bookmarklet to give ChatGPT some instruction and insert the result. */
javascript:(async () => {
var apikey = "XXXInsertAPIKeyHereXXX";
function insertText(text) {
var focusedElement = document.activeElement;
if (focusedElement.tagName == "INPUT" || focusedElement.tagName == "TEXTAREA") {
var startPosition = focusedElement.selectionStart;
var endPosition = focusedElement.selectionEnd;
var beforeText = focusedElement.value.substring(0, startPosition);
var afterText = focusedElement.value.substring(endPosition);
focusedElement.value = beforeText + text + afterText;
focusedElement.selectionStart = startPosition + text.length;
focusedElement.selectionEnd = startPosition + text.length;
} else {
alert("Please focus on a text field or text area.");
const message = prompt("ChatGPT prompt, whose results we want to insert");
try {
const t = await fetch("", {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + apikey,
"Content-Type": "application/json"
body: JSON.stringify({model: "gpt-3.5-turbo", "messages": [{"role": "user", "content": message}]})
}), e = await t.json();
insertText( => t.message.content).join('\n').trim());
} catch (error) {
alert(`Error: ${error}`);
/** Bookmarklet to have ChatGPT run something considering the current content of the page, and insert the result. */
javascript:(async () => {
var apikey = "XXXInsertAPIKeyHereXXX";
const maxwordcount = 2500;
const promptprefix = prompt("Frage in Bezug auf die Selektion oder den Seitentext; es wird 'Diese Frage bezieht sich auf den folgendem Text:' und dann der Text angehaengt. Bei Texten über 3000 Worte muss das Mittelsegment entfernt werden.", "Was sind die neuen oder überraschenden Informationen an folgendem Text?");
var shortenedmsg = "";
var text = window.getSelection().toString().trim() || document.body.innerText;
var message = promptprefix + " Diese Frage bezieht sich auf den folgendem Text:\n\n" + text;
var wordcount = message.split(" ").length;
if (wordcount > maxwordcount) {
const words = message.split(" ");
const middle = Math.floor(words.length / 2);
const start = middle - maxwordcount / 2;
const end = middle + maxwordcount / 2;
const placeholder = " ... ";
words.splice(start, end - start, placeholder);
message = words.join(" ");
shortenedmsg = "(Shortened from " + wordcount + " to 3000 words.)\n\n";
function insertText(text) {
var focusedElement = document.activeElement;
if (focusedElement.tagName == "INPUT" || focusedElement.tagName == "TEXTAREA") {
var startPosition = focusedElement.selectionStart;
var endPosition = focusedElement.selectionEnd;
var beforeText = focusedElement.value.substring(0, startPosition);
var afterText = focusedElement.value.substring(endPosition);
focusedElement.value = beforeText + text + afterText;
focusedElement.selectionStart = startPosition + text.length;
focusedElement.selectionEnd = startPosition + text.length;
} else {
alert("Please focus on a text field or text area.");
try {
const t = await fetch("", {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + apikey,
"Content-Type": "application/json"
body: JSON.stringify({model: "gpt-3.5-turbo", "messages": [{"role": "user", "content": message}]})
}), e = await t.json();
insertText(shortenedmsg + => t.message.content).join('\n').trim());
} catch (error) {
alert(`Error: ${error}`);
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